It was the way the rest of lights turned on in the distance that made me realize how dark it was getting.

"Unless it's too late for you I don't want to keep you up all night," I push my hair behind my ear bashfully at the realization I was putting myself first.

"With all due respect, Quincie, I wouldn't mind if you kept me up all night."

His words made my head jerk up as if they had a double meaning. Which I am sure they didn't, he was a professional. My cheeks heat nonetheless even after assuring myself it was not meant in any other way.

Instead of acknowledging his words he motions to his car, "Can I offer you a ride home? We're going to the same place after all."

Against all those videos we had to watch at the start of each year about accepting rides from strangers, I nod. I was not keen on walking and it was not like he was wrong. It would be quite stupid of me not to accept.

"Yeah, that would be nice, thank you."

He nods as he motions towards his vehicle, navigating me in that direction. I follow closely behind and pull open the passenger door as he pushes into the driver side.

We were both quiet as he pulled away from the parking lot and as we sit waiting for the nightly traffic to pass, he breaks the silence.

"I hope this isn't too weird to ask but I don't really see a point in meeting online when we both live in the same building."

The heat in the car made my cheeks hot to the touch. Of course it was the heat, nothing else.

"What are you suggesting then?" I tried to sound as innocent as possible despite knowing exactly where this conversation was headed.

"Well I live above you and it would be much easier to work on the project that way. The longer I'm in my office the more of a mess Max makes," he laughs at this and I can't help but think about the giant sweetheart, "I understand if this offer is completely inappropriate and if you would like we can work through online meetings as well as our in person during my free hours, or we can meet in your apartment because I know your handful of roommates would make you feel at ease. Or if none of that seems like a good working space, I promise you Max does not eat paper and he definitely misses you. I swear, when we walk by your door he stands still. I've waited to be caught idly standing by and being called a creep for it, but I swear it's the bloody dog."

His British rambling was hard to keep up with but I managed.

After quick consideration I begin to fumble with my hands.

"I'm fine with working anywhere, honestly. I really enjoyed getting to know Aldous and I think his story, at least what was documented, is very sweet. I put my education above anything else, Dr. Fields and I think working away from campus will give a clearer mind. It's hard to focus in a school environment ironically. Too much is going on."

I watch from the corner of my eye as he nods his head slightly, just as he pulls into the underground parking of our building.

"Besides," I say breaking the silence, "I miss Max too." I can't help but laugh which makes him shake his head humorously as he parks into his reserved space.

"I swear my own dog likes you more than me."


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