"With six minutes to spare." Doug happily said as he lead the way.

   Seth follows closely by my side, hands crossed behind his back, "Where's Squishy?"

   "Training room. How old is Aliyah?" Seth fished, craving details about my girl.

   I observe him questioningly, evaluating Seth as a person and not a guard. Loyalty, that's the main vibe I distinctly receive from him, and I adore it. "How old are you?"

   "How old do I look?"

   I pause, studying his youthful and trying face, "Twenty two?"

   He loudly laughs with honest joy, "I'm eighty-nine."

   "You sick old geezer! She's sixteen, perve." I don't understand dating in Enchantment, but Seth seems perfectly normal about having a crush on a girl with literally decades separating them. The adults did say time works differently in Enchantment, plus Aliyah is a future queen, she has freedom to be who she wishes. Unless it's another Elemental, then gods forbid.

   "Her favorite flowers?"

   "Lilies, she likes the smell."

   "What does she look for in a man?"

   "Man, huh?" I arch a brow, "Funny, cute, smart. Just don't talk with your mouth full and don't diss anything science related."

   "Science related? What's that?"

   I rub my nose, odd for him to be clueless about a subject I studied for years. "It's a human thing. Look it up."

   He takes in everything I said, "Anything else I should know?"

   "Her two other boyfriends were dickheads. One only wanted sex and the other cheated." I say, still hating the two bastards. Aliyah couldn't choose herself a nice boy, and wherever Kyle and I tried to set her up, she'd get offended and run to the library.

   "She deserves better." Seth's voice goes hard.

   "She does," I appraise him, "and you'll be that better."

  "She doesn't even know me." He glumly replied, pale blue eyes cast down.

   "She fancy's you." I eagerly inform. I cherish playing matchmaker for my friends. Whose better to find their soul mate other than me? Okay, maybe they already have a Beloved, but its my job to help fate and put two where they belong. I swear, I hired myself for the most ligit shipping job ever.

   Seth nervously licked his lips, "And you know how?"

   "I know my Ali. She's into you." I say. Seth smiles and his steps become lighter. Soon he's whistling an upbeat tune. Why can't Reason be like this. I get stuck with Scar when I want Simba. What's new.

   He will come around little wave.

   That's the thing, do I want him to come around? The part of me that want's my Beloved does, but the sensable part grows weaker and weaker. Reason does put up a good dickwad front, but is what's underneath worth the search? My Beloved-seeking-side, that's too long, I'll call it my "Bella" side. My "Bella" side just wants to be with Reason, even though he's an ass. To lose all sense and self respect and run into his arms. I hold back because he might carelessly toss me aside. How awesome, I became the very thing I hate; the dim love struck girl that tries to change the 'bad boy'. And there lies the irony. Reason isn't your stereotypical 'bad boy', he's in need of Light. I don't want to repair him, that's his job, I'm here to hold his hand and make the transition easier.

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