Chapter 41: The Battle

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1.5k views already. I can't believe how quickly it's been going up! Just yesterday it said 1.3k, that's 200 hundred in only one day. Thank you guys all for reading this story, I really appreciate it <3


"Alexa, we have to leave now, " Fred said while entering my room.

"I know, I'm coming, " I responded sadly while looking towards the ground.

He moved across the room to sit beside me on my bed. 

"What's wrong?" he asked while placing his arm around me.

"I'm scared Fred, we are about to go fight in a war. I don't think I can do this, " I explained with a shaky voice.

"Everything is going to be fine, I won't let you get hurt, " he tried to reassure me.

"It's not that, what if you, or George, or Ginny, or anyone else gets hurt, " I said as I felt my eyes starting to water.

"Don't be silly, " he said with a slight laugh, "everyone will be fine."

I turned to him and shot back, "you don't know that Freddie!"

I felt a tear fall down my face which Fred gently wiped away.

"You're right, I don't. But we can't let it stop us from doing what's right, " he explained.

I nodded my head and allowed him to pull me in for a hug. Once we separated I stood up and wiped away my tears.

I tried my hardest to calm my nerves but it was nearly impossible. I don't think anyone could be truly ready for a battle like this. The thought of losing more people took over my brain.

I walked down the stairs and looked across the room to see everyone preparing themselves to leave. They all looked so confident and brave while I was scared and weak. I never would understand why I was placed in Gryffindor. The second the sorting hat called out my house I knew it must've been a mistake.

George walked over to me and grabbed my hand as we walked out the door. I took another deep breath to try to calm myself down even a bit more.


It was weird to be back inside of Hogwarts. All of the good and the bad memories came flooding back as we walked down the halls. The first few years here were some of the best days of my life, only for everything to go tumbling downward at the end of my fourth year.

We stood outside of the doors of the great hall waiting for a good opportunity to enter. The entire time I held George's hand in my own with Fred standing on the other side of us.

From inside the room, we heard Harry say, "it seems, despite your exhaustive defensive strategies, you still have a bit of a security problem headmaster."

Every member of the Order of the Phoenix walked into the room followed by gasps of the many students. I made sure to stay as close to George as possible. I squeezed his hand, trying to calm myself as we stood up to these people. He squeezed my hand back in an attempt to reassure me. It only helped a little, but I was still grateful to be here with him.

"I'm afraid it's quite extensive, " Harry added. "How dare you stand where he stood, tell them how it happened that night! Tell them how you looked him in the eye, a man who trusted you and killed him! Tell them, " Harry yelled at Snape from across the room.

He pulled out his wand and aimed it towards Harry. Professor McGonagall rushed to push Harry out of the way. All of the students gasped and ran to either side of the room. I saw the hesitation in Snape as he dropped his wand for a split second. Immediately after he raised it once again.

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