Chapter 36: Cheater

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After my shift was finally done I rushed over to Tom and kissed him passionately on the lips. He returned the kiss and placed his hands around my waist.

When we pulled away I whispered, "come back to my place."

His lips formed a smirk as he replied, "alright, let me just grab something."

I watched as he left the room and returned with a bottle full of a deep pink liquid. I ignored it and instead looked back up at Tom's incredibly handsome face. While walking out the door I grabbed onto his hand tightly.

Even though there weren't many people outside because of the war I still wanted to make sure the few people there knew he was mine.

"Lex wait up, " I heard someone call from behind me. I turned around to see Claire trying to catch up to us. She looked down and saw our hands held together then looked back at me with a confused face. 

I ignored it and said, "see you later."

Tom and I continued on our way to my flat. Once we got there I took the key out and opened the door. 

Before I knew it, Tom had pushed me inside and was kissing me aggressively. I dropped the keys on the ground and tried to shut the door without leaving his lips. It didn't quite close all the way but I didn't care because all I could focus on was Tom.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me all the way back to my bedroom. He picked me up and placed me on top of the sheets. He climbed on top of me and continued to kiss me. Eventually, he slowly moved down to my neck. It felt amazing, I didn't want him to ever stop.

I reached for his shirt and tugged on it to show that I wanted it off. Once he realized he sat up and pulled it off then threw it to the side of the room. I placed my hands on his chest and slowly stroked his bare skin. 

He leaned back down and continued to kiss me. Eventually, he pulled my shirt up and moved downward. I brushed through his hair with my hand as the feeling of his lips against my body sent shivers coursing through me.

*George's POV*

I turned to look at the clock for the five thousandth time today. I had been anxious all day to see Lex again but I knew I had to wait for her shift to be over. The second the clock hit four I was out the door.

I continued down the street quickly, but not too fast that I beat her to her own flat. I entered the building and walked up the stairs. Once I got there I knocked on the door causing it to open slightly.

I pulled my wand out of my pocket and gripped it tightly while walking into the room. I noticed her keys just thrown on the floor. I cautiously looked around, what could have happened to her? It wasn't like Lex to be so careless.

I walked through each doorway and didn't see her in any of the rooms. The last place to check was her bedroom. I went down the narrow hallway and turned into her room to see something so shocking.

My mouth fell open when I saw some other man laying on top of Alexa. His hands were all over her body touching her where he shouldn't.

I felt my hand form a fist as I tried to control my anger. How could she do something like this, what was wrong with her? I wanted to punch him across the face but instead, for some reason, I turned out of the room and ran away. I didn't want to deal with this.

I had just thought I was lucky to be with the love of my life only to be cheated on the next week. I quickly made my way back to the store. I threw the door open and started throwing things off the shelf. I couldn't control my emotions anymore, tears streamed down my face.

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