Chapter 2: Three Years Later

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Over the past year, I have been studying hard to do well in all my classes at Hogwarts. Most of my time is spent with my best friends Ron, Harry, and Hermione. Well, at least when they aren't getting into trouble.

Every year there is some sort of problem that they always end up getting involved in. First-year it was the sorcerers stone almost being stolen, the second year it was a giant basilisk living in the pipes of the school, and third-year the escape of Sirius Black from Azkaban.

When they aren't getting themselves into life-threatening situations we are normally in the common room or library together just having fun or studying. Every year over the holiday we all spend a week at the Weasley's house. Everyone in his family is so sweet and funny. The twins are always making joking around to the point where I can't help but hysterically laugh. Ginny loves to spend time gossiping with me about typical stuff like who is dating who and other random drama.

Although I love break and being home with my family, or the Weasley's who are basically my second family, I can't wait to get back to Hogwarts.

All of my bags were packed and ready as my dad knocked on my door telling me it was time to leave. Just like every other year, we ran through the brick wall taking us to platform 9 3/4 and got on the train.

I sat with Ron, Harry, and Hermione like I did the very first time at Hogwarts.

The train ride went by rather quickly and everyone got off and headed to their dorms to get settled in. On our way down the hallway, I hear a boy's voice say"well, well, well. If it isn't Potter and his little friends"

We all turned to be staring at Draco with a smug look on his face. I rolled my eyes as Harry walked up to him and said "what do you want Malfoy?"

"oh nothing, just wanted to make sure you were here. Otherwise, I would have no one to bother." He laughed" you three are my favorite people to make fun of. The baby who needed his mommy to save him, know it all, Weaselbee, and I don't even know who you are" he said scowling at me.

I just looked to the floor feeling embarrassed. I was so happy to be back, but if course Draco had to come and ruin it immediately.

I just turned around and walked away knowing Harry will figure out some clever comeback while I just stood in the shadows like a coward.

I started walking faster down the hall getting more and more frustrated with myself. I could feel my eyes start to water as I internally yelled at myself to stop being such a baby. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and suddenly ran into someone and fell to the ground.

I looked up to see Fred and George looking down at me with an eyebrow raised.

"You alright darling"Fred said as his smile grew on his face.

George held out his hand and I grabbed it and allowed him to help pull me up.

"Yeah I'm fine," I said not very convincingly.

"You obviously aren't" George replied.

"Tell us what happened," both said at the same time. I always found it kind of creepy when they say things at the exact same time but for some reason this time it was different.

I shook my head, removing the thought from my mind.

I looked down at my feet again and mumbled"It's nothing new, just Draco being an annoying git again"

"Don't let him bother you" Fred said confidently"c'mon we'll walk you the rest of the way to the common room"

I stood up and walked in between them all the way back to the Gryffindor dorms. My hand accidentally brushed up against George's and I bit my lip feeling the sensation of him looking down at me.

I tried to ignore it the rest of the way there but I could still feel my hand tingling where it brushed against his.

"Well here we are, we would keep going but aren't allowed into girls dorms," Fred said with a wink.

I nodded and began to turn around but before I did I couldn't help but notice the way George was staring at me.

Two chapters in one day, your welcome :)

Just wanted to get more of a feel of what the book would be like bc nothing really happened in the first chapter. Also sorry this chapter is kinda short tell me if you prefer longer or shorter ones

Anyway thanks for reading and don't forget I'd love to hear your feedback :)

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