Chapter 23

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Nighttime at Clays house

"Alright, so I have a few movies for us to pick from. We have Harry Potter (I accidentally just wrote POOTER and I lost it 😂😂), Shrek-"


George yells and snatches the disk from Clays hand. Clay bursts out laughing with a mixture of wheezes and honks (iykyk) and George leaps off the couch and puts the disk into the DVD player.

He sits back down next to Clay and excitedly hires his lip like a five year old when they see candy. Clay couldn't help but smile at the sight as he clicks the play button. Without realizing it, Clay slides his arm over George's shoulders and pulls him close, leaning his head on his hair.

Clays phone dings and he picks it up off the couch and looks at it, dropping his gaze and sighing deeply. George turns to Clay with a confused face and asks,

"What's wrong? Do you not like this movie..?"

Clay shakes his head and gulps, looking at the small boy in his arms. He slides his arm out from around George and scoots over to the other side of the couch, his blond hair covering his eyes.


George's heart starts to beat fast as he falls into a state of panic. Before he could say something, the front door opens, revealing Alyssa dressed in a yellow sweatshirt and blue jeans. She closes her umbrella and drops it in the stand near the front door. Her hairs put up in a tight high ponytail, and it bounces lightly as she walks over to Clay.

"I didn't know you had someone else over?"

She glances at George who's face suddenly drops in the realization that once again, Clay chose her over him.

"Don't worry.. I'll be leaving.."

He stands up and Clay grabs his little arm, clutching it tightly.

"Wait George-"

George pulls his arm out of his grasp and grabs his things off the kitchen table.

"Careful, it's pretty wet out there!"

Alyssa calls out to George, who smiled weakly at her and nods. Without another look at the couple, he heads out into the pouring rain. Tears pour down his face as he thinks,

Of course he chose her. I knew deep down he would.. I had hope though.. hope that maybe JUST maybe he'd choose me..

He peeks behind him at Clays house and stops when he sees that Clay hasn't  tried to come get him or even offer to take him home. He bites his lip and pulls his hoodie tight around his body to shield him from the cold fall rain.

He never cared about me. He just wanted to tutor me, fuck me, then leave me! A popular guy like him can't be seen dating a boy.. it's bad for his "reputation". Instead he has to be with the pretty cheerleader..


He yells out and kicks a rock across the street, pulling strands of wet hair out of his face and sobbing quietly.

He made me so happy.. he said he LOVED ME! I said I LOVED HIM! I thought we were going to make it.. I'm so fucking stupid!

He sits down on a curb near his house and lets the rain wash away his thoughts. He buries his face in his arms and cry's silently, hoping no ones around to see him.

Three Hours Later

George lays on his back and stares silently at the ceiling,aging his hand on the spit were Clay once slept. He cried so much that evening that there weren't any tears left TO cry. His dad wasn't even home to comfort him.. and Nicks on a date with his boyfriend.

So, George just lays by himself in the darkness and comfort of his own room, listening to the sound of his slow heart beat and imagining it being Clays..

I'm so deeply sorry my DreamNotFound fans ;-;
I promise it'll get better for our boys ;-;
But for now they be heartbroken ;-;
Word count-673 ;-;

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