Chapter 3

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This chapter begins in George's first period Chemistry. Here's his class schedule so you don't get confused-

First period- chemistry
Second period- algebra 2
Third period- English
Fourth period- history
Fifth period- free period
Sixth period- PE

George's P.O.V

What..? How do I.. the square root of 10384 is.. multiplied by 3/4.. is equal to the sum of 44/11(5•9).. huh?

I drop my pencil on my desk and lay my head on my hands. I HATE math. I feel a tap on my shoulder and look up, suddenly feeling a wave of pure anxiety.

"Need a little help?"

Clay. Oh. My. God. It's freaking Clay. He's asking ME.. if I need HELP. Act natural..

"U-uhm.. w-well.."

He picks up my pencil and starts solving the problem, leaving a step by step solution next to it.

"There. If you need any more help just ask"

He smiles and I nearly melt in my chair. This was the one class that I got to be near Clay in. Our desks are right next to each other. I pick up my pencil and stare at it.

He.. touched.. my.. pencil..

I smile to myself and shove it in my bag, pulling out a different pencil to use instead. The bell rings soon after, and I pack up my books and head to English. Nick has English with me, which is good because I always forget to do the homework. Nick usually lets me look at his homework and copy everything so I don't get in trouble. It's no wonder I'm failing..

I slump in my seat next to Nick, sighing loudly and laying my head in my desk.


I start, smiling from ear to ear.

"He touched my pencil"

Nick snorts loudly and laughs, nearly rolling off his seat.

"Bro- you realllly need to confess and get laid"

I go red and glare at him.

"Oh shut up"

Was he right though? Maybe I should confess.. it's not going to ruin the non existent friendship between us.. I mean, sure we've talked a few times, but only when Nicks around. Plus, he's probably not even gay. I mean, he does have a GIRLFRIEND.... so.. I don't know.

"George? Earth to George? George Davidson?"

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by an angry English teacher yelling my name from across the room. I clear my throat and quietly respond,


God I'm so happy Clay isn't in this class.. that would've literally killed me..

          ..~..~..~..~Time Skip To Bus~..~..~..~..

"My dad hired a tutor for me. He's supposed to be at my house in an hour."

Nick pops a piece of spearmint gum in his mouth and plays the drums with his fingers on the back of the bus seat to the music we were listening to.

"Sucks to be you man"

I chuckle and shake my head, turning my head to look out the window. Nick starts going crazy "playing the guitar" next to me.

"Cmon Gogy play the guitar with me!"

I smile and elbow him in the side.

"Dude you're so embarrassing!"

He just continues to shake his head and rock out to the music, his light brown hair bouncing to the beat. Finally, my stop arrives and I wave goodbye to my best friend, who's still jamming out. As I walk up the driveway, I notice my dads car is gone. I open the front door and see a sticky note written on the inside.

  Dear George, I had to do some emergency work stuff at the office. Wont be home til late. Frozen dinner in the freezer- don't forget about your tutor session at 4. Love you, dad

I crumple the note and throw it basketball style in the trash can. I throw my bag on the kitchen table and plop on the couch. I could use a nice long nap right about now..

       ..~..~..~..~..~One Hour Later~..~..~..~..~..



I roll over on the couch and fall off, landing with a loud thump.


I rub my head and try to stand up, smacking my head again on the coffee table.

"Ow! What the hell!"

I rub my eyes and yawn and stretch, trying to work out the kinks in my back.


"I'm comin' im comin'"

I say quietly, still practically yawning. I try to straighten my messy brown hair before I open the door, but it just sprouts in every direction again. I open the door and freeze. Like, someone put me in a freezer after dumping water on me and took me out after 1000 years.

In front of me was a surprisingly tall man with dirty blond hair, light freckles, and bright green eyes wearing a white smiley face hoodie and blue jeans.

"Holy hell.."

I slap my hand over my mouth and clear my throat.

No way in hell I said that out loud.. whoops.

He smiles and adjusts his bag over his shoulder.

"Heya George. Ready for some studying? I'll try to make it seem somewhat interesting I promise"

I nearly melt on the spot when he says my name. I slowly nod my head and blink a few times. I finally step back to invite him in and close the front door still in a daze.

"He's in my house.. oh my god.."

End of chapter 3! Sorry if this chapter seems strange. Thanks for reading!

George just tweeted "Dreams going live omg!"


Word count: 916

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