Chapter 12

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As I settled into my temporary home in Masinloc, Zambales, a week had flown by in a whirlwind of adventures and new experiences. The provincial life had embraced me with open arms, immersing me in its charm and leaving me craving for more.

If I could only do that one Bruno Mars lyrics.

Can I just stay here? Spend the rest of my days here?

If I could just leave all of my responsibilities, I would already have done it.

As the video call connected, I could see the surprise flicker across Michael's face as he noticed my slightly tanned complexion. "Wow, Ate, you've definitely been getting some sun! You look like you've been having fun."

"Having a tan suits you so well."

I grinned at him, feeling a sense of contentment wash over me. "You bet I have, Michael. Living the provincial life for a week now, and let me tell you, it's been quite the adventure."

Michael's eyes widened with curiosity. "Come on, tell me all about it! What have you been up to?"

I launched into a lively recount of my experiences, starting with the invigorating hours spent exploring and bathing in the cool waters of the Coto river. The river had been a hidden gem, offering a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.

"Then, there were the beaches," I continued, excitement bubbling in my voice. "We explored different beaches in the neighboring town of Masinloc, each one more beautiful than the last. The soft sand, the clear blue waters... It was like stepping into a postcard."

I could see Michael's envy growing as I described our adventures, and I couldn't blame him. The provincial life had a way of captivating the soul, drawing you in with its simplicity and beauty.

"And let's not forget the public market," I added with a laugh. "It was chaos, but in the best possible way. The sights, the sounds, the smells... It was an assault on the senses in the most delightful way."

Michael chuckled, clearly entertained by my stories. "Sounds like quite the experience, Ate. What about the food? You must have eaten some amazing stuff."

"Oh, you have no idea," I replied, my mouth watering at the memory. "We indulged in freshly caught seafood – shrimp, crabs, fish – you name it. And let me tell you, there's nothing quite like seafood straight from the ocean."

"You know what, Ate?" Michael asked me. 

"What?" I answered back.

"Having a tan suits you but how about having a tanned guy by your side?" Michael laughed and my ears reddened.

Of course, this brother of mine is pertaining to Jann.

As our conversation shifted, Michael's playful grin turned mischievous. "So, sis, spill the beans. Have you started to catch feelings for Jann?"

I felt my cheeks flush, a mixture of embarrassment and denial rising within me. "What? No way, Michael! Kaibigan lang si Jann. Nada más y nada menos! Fin de la conversación!"

But even as the words left my lips, I couldn't ignore the nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach. Was there something more to my feelings for Jann? I pushed the thought aside, unwilling to entertain the idea.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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