Chapter 10

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We left the infirmary and since I told them that I would rest, I just decided to go home and rest.

Of course, Mom was home and I got an earful when I got home.

As I walked through the door of our home, I braced myself for the inevitable confrontation with my mother. Sure enough, as soon as she caught sight of me, her face contorted with worry and anger.

"Savannah Eloise! Do you have any idea how worried I've been?" Mom's voice was a mixture of relief and frustration as she scolded me.

"I'm sorry, Mom," I replied sheepishly, avoiding her gaze. "I had a bit of a health scare today, but I'm okay now."

"Rayver called me and told me what happened to you at school." Mom said. "Tell me how did you got into that kind of situation."

I took a deep breath, knowing that explaining the events of the day might not ease my mom's worry, but it was necessary.

"Well, Mom, it's just been a really hectic week with exams, student council responsibilities, and everything else. I guess I just pushed myself too hard," I explained, my voice reflecting a mix of exhaustion and remorse.

"I can't believe you let yourself get into such a state," Mom chided, her tone stern but tinged with worry. "You need to take better care of yourself, Savannah. Your health is the most important thing."

Mom's expression softened, her worry giving way to understanding. "Savannah, I know you're responsible and hardworking, but your health should always come first. You need to take breaks and prioritize self-care."

"I know, Mom," I replied, feeling a twinge of guilt for causing her distress. "I'll be more careful, I promise."

She sighed, pulling me into a tight hug. "I just want you to be okay, Eloise. You're my only daughter, and I can't bear the thought of anything happening to you."

"I know, Mom," I whispered, hugging her back. "I'll take better care of myself, I promise."

After talking with Mom, I went to my room and rested. I thought about what Mom had said last time during Dad's burial. About taking a vacation after all of this. 

"Maybe, Mom was right. I need to take a break from this." I sighed to myself.

The thought of a vacation, even a brief one, felt like a much-needed respite. Perhaps stepping away from the demands of everyday life would provide me with the space and time to heal, to reflect, and to regain my strength.

"But where the hell would I go without being followed by the paparazzi?" I asked myself as I tried to think of possible locations for a vacation.

But as I pondered the question, a few possibilities began to emerge. Remote, secluded destinations far from the bustling city life seemed like the most promising options. Places where I could blend in with the locals, where my presence wouldn't attract undue attention.

As I was thinking, I received a message from Jann.

From: Ramos

Hey, I just want to check up on you. Are you okay now?

I didn't see you at the infirmary when I went back to check on you.

Just the right person to ask about my dilemma.

To: Ramos

The Dilemma of Dr. EscarraHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin