Chapter 15: Ready or not

Start from the beginning

"At least I didn't get hurt," Jimin assured himself with a bit of relief. I gasped with fake shock. "Do you really think I would hurt you?" I asked, faking a hurt expression. "No, that's not what I was trying to say." Jimin Oppa panicked. I laughed and gestured him to stop. "Chill, I was just joking." I smiled at him.

Once all of the boys recovered from their shock, they all started clapping and cheering. "Wow, (Y/n), you're so cool and badass," Jin complimented. It kinda shocked me, because I've actually never heard him curse. "Thanks guys."

And right after that, we heard a buzzing sound come from the laptop — signalling that it found Yoongi Oppa's location. "Perfect timing,"  Hoseok said, picking up all the kitchen knives and heading back inside. I stopped walking, causing all the boys to turn and look at me again. However, before they could say anything, I turned to Jimin again. "Oh, and — by the way — Jimin Oppa, nice abs," I said, heading back in the house before the others.

I could tell they were all confused, until they saw the giant heart-shaped hole I cut into Jimin's white T-shirt. When I turned around, I saw him blushing profusely. All the boys just giggled and laughed at him.

Yoongi's P.O.V

I have been laying in this room, on the uncomfortable ground, for hours. I haven't seen those 'so called'  bodyguards since they beat me up, took pictures of me and left. My entire body was a bloody, black and blue mess and let's not forget the pain. And to add the cherry on top of the damn cake: I'M STILL CHAINED TO THIS FUCKING WALL!

"Those idiots better find me quickly before I die in here," I said to myself. 'Might as well just take a nap, since I'm not getting out of here anytime soon.' I thought. Just when I was about to close my eyes, I feel something vibrate in my pocket. I was confused until I realized that IT'S MY PHONE. I hurriedly stand up and reach in my pocket, ignoring the stinging pain shooting through my body from the sudden movements. I pulled the phone out of my pocket and laid back down with my back facing the door. In that way, I won't look suspicious.

When I turned the screen of the phone on, it showed a notification:


      ALLOWED ✅                                                                   DENIED

I didn't even give it a second thought and pressed allowed. I couldn't even attempt to phone anyone before I heard footsteps approaching my cell door. I panicked, shoved my phone back in my pocket and closed my eyes to make it seem like I was sleeping.

I heard the lock to the cell door open and footsteps walking closer to me. Nonetheless, I remained in the same position I was in, until I feel whoever it was that came in my cell kick my already overly abused back. "Ya! Stand up. Here's food, boss ordered us to keep you alive, so we need to feed you." I identified the voice to be one of the guys from earlier. I slowly sat up and turned around carefully, so that the phone doesn't fall out of my pocket.

The blond guy in front of me dropped the tray on the floor in front me. I just looked up at him then back at the tray containing a sandwich and a bottle of water. "Eat. Because you don't know when I might feel like feeding you again," he said with a menacing laugh. He walked over to the door, locked it and left.

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