Chapter 15: Ready or not

Start from the beginning

He looks at me, taken aback, which is understandable since that could catch anyone off guard. "What, why me!?" He questioned. "Because I know you did martial arts and you don't expect me to fight air, do you?" I commented sarcastically. "And how do you know that?" He bravely questioned. "Because I'm an A.R.M.Y and you are one of my bias wreckers. You actually expect me not know?" I smirked at him, while he just stood there, opening and closing his mouth like a fish. "I rest my case, so attack me," I instructed seriously, standing upright and faced him.

"Well, Hyung, what are you waiting for? Attack her." Jungkook encouraged him. "But-" I cut him off. "No buts."

"Well, okay. Don't say I didn't try to warn you," he said, walking over to me with a smirk. "We'll see." I return his confident look. Lots woah's and oh's were heard from the boys surrounding us. We both walked around in a circle, staring intensely at each other to see who would throw the first punch and start everything.

"Are you two just gonna stare at each other and walk in circles whole day," Tae said clearly annoyed that we weren't doing anything.

"No Tae, we are checking who is going to throw the first punch." Jimin Oppa replied, turning his head to look at Taehyung Oppa. I took this as an opportunity, grabbed his arm and flip him over. He was taken aback for a brief moment. I was just about to attack again, but he rolled out of the way just in time. "I see we're playing dirty," He exclaimed, quickly doing a flip back on his feet and charging at me full speed.

Before he could even land his attack, I did the splits below him that one of my legs was between his. Then, almost in a blink of an eye, I brought my legs back together around his and pulled him down. While, in the process, back flipping back on to my feet. "I don't play dirty, I just play to win!" I reckoned, while smirking confidently at him.

The moment he was back on his feet, I decided to surprise him with a little 'present'. "Oh and if I were you, I'd watch out." I told him as I walked slowly towards him.

He had a look of confusion. "For what?" He questioned, readying himself for my next attack. I eyed him with a quick smirk then pulled the knife, I took off the kitchen table, out of my bra strap. I then threw it purposely past his face, so it would hit the tree behind him.

"That," I answered, taking out four more knives. Don't get me wrong, I love Jimin Oppa and I would never hurt him. That's why I would throw them past or over him to avoid any injuries. All the boys stared at me with absolute amazement and shock. Meanwhile, Jimin looked like his about to shit himself. "Oh, Jimin, you are so fucked," I could hear Namjoon comment behind me. "Enough talking, let's finish this," I said, running towards him. In the process, throwing two knives at him; one over his head and another past his shoulder that managed to cut a bit of his T-shirt sleeve. Nevertheless, he still ran towards me, who still had two knives in hand.

"Oh, shits about get real!" Hoseok exclaimed in pure excitement. Jimin started throwing punches, while I easily dodged him and attacked with my two knives he had, impressively, dodged. Both of us did this back-and-forth-thing until I pinned him to the tree behind him by stabbing both knives on either sides of his head. I was thus standing in front of him.

"What were you saying earlier about warning me?" I looked at him smugly before walking away. Whilst I done so, I heard him pull one of the knives out of the tree, but I acted as if didn't hear.

Before he could throw it and let it fly pass me, I done a flip and caught it. I proceeded to turn around to face him, while twirling it around in my hand. "Ah. Ah. Ah," I said, shaking my finger then throwing it right above his head.

When I turned around, I saw all the the boys absolutely shocked and scared shit-less, which I found extremely cute and funny. I burst out laughing at their reactions. "What? You guys asked me to show you," I chirped innocently.

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