"What usually happens to an Elf that has been captured?"

Ash's eyes stared off into the distance, slowly, I saw her lips tremble.

"They're turned into Knights."

I blinked. "But aren't you...?" I saw her expression flinched. "What did they do to you?"

"Master..." Ash's gaze fell to the ground. "Can you... could we drop the matter, at least for now? Please?"

The pleading tone in her voice was palpable. I felt bad for pressing her, especially when I already knew it was a sensitive topic for her. However, my curiosity wouldn't die down, every time she talks about her world, I just wanted to know more about it.

Still though, her feelings are much, much more important than some dumb idiot's curiosity. So I reined myself back.

"Sure, no problem," I said, then I nudged my head to the direction of the city. "I know just what you need to take your mind off it."


Back when I still had high hopes for the world, back when I was happy, bright... and not in crippling debt. There was this ice-cream store I used to go to. Every day without fail, I'd be standing at their front entrance by the time afternoon rolls around.

I haven't seen much of them lately. Now, I am happy to say - their ice-cream tasted better than ever, and eating them together with someone to accompany you?

Nothing can compare.

By the time Ash was done with her third chocolate parfait, the previous conversation was all but a fading memory. At least for her... I, on the other hand, couldn't let it out of my mind.

But I held my tongue. This afternoon was a special one. I won't rest until I know she's fully content and I see the widest grin possible on her face. For this one afternoon session, she will be a servant no longer.

Anything she wanted, she'll have.

As long as it is within budget, of course. Sadly I ain't made of money, hell, it wasn't even my money I was spending in the first place.

"Ready to go head out again?" I asked.

Ash, the ever-prestigious knight she was, bowed her head. Clearly, she was still holding herself back, however, once more, there was really no hiding her true feelings with those ears of hers.

Twitching up and down like a frog high on an energy drink.

Being in an outdoor shopping mall, I knew there were a lot of options on the table in regard to what would fascinate her the most.

Then again, I already knew what did, don't I?

So I brought her calm, reserved self over to a car dealership nearby. And to say that she was captivated over the sight of the many luxurious cars they had on for display would be to completely understate her reaction.

She was practically fidgeting in place, yearning to have a closer look at all of them beauties. The only reason she hadn't yet was because she was waiting for permission. My permission.

Really, she shouldn't have to. She's her own person. I hope she'll soon realize that.

"Go ahead," I told her.

"But I - Master, I don't..." Her words trailed away. She still couldn't bring herself to want.

"Ash, just enjoy yourself. It's okay."

Her eyes stared longingly away at all glamorous, shimmering metal plates before focusing back on mine once again.

"Is that an order?"

My Servant Is An Elf-Knight From Another WorldWhere stories live. Discover now