Chapter 26

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Multiple things happened at once. None that boded well for me.

Adalia reeled back in shock and awe, contrasting that, her sister shrieked with rage and hastily picked me up by the scruff of my shirt and suspended me high in the air.

"Wrong... answer..." She huffed, her entire face trembling with anger. "Have you any idea what you've just done?!"

"Terestra... Terestra... I... found you... we found you... Sister always said... I've always... hoped..."

Adalia continued to spout out breathless words, her misty eyes glistening with tears.

"I don't..." I said, heaving, kicking my legs in an attempt to swing myself loose. "But I'm guessing her dining on my blood is off the table now, huh?"

"Won't stop me from killing you myself," She hissed.


A voice that was brimming with emotions, Adalia drew herself to her sister's side, placing a hand against the arm that had me dangling.

"Please... sister..." Adalia said, "Terestra... has come to us... don't hurt... him..."

Rage overruled reason. Still, I was swayed along by her like I was a simple sheet of paper. The sister's loathing eyes would not stray away from mine.

She marched, her stomps echoing across the empty halls, with me still in her grasp, Adalia closely trailing along trying to plead with her.

"Sister... Amelia... please... he isn't... to be harmed..."

"I'll prove it!" The sister yelled. "He's human, and I'll show you. Terestra is here but it isn't him. Once he stops breathing, you'll finally realize."

Before I knew it, I was being flung into a room, my entire body sent crashing to the ground with another loud thud. I was reeling, everything was spinning, any attempt to try and push myself up resulted in me just tumbling down again to repeat the process.

Dazed as I was, I could still somewhat see what was happening around me. I was thrown into another room, yet unlike all others, this one appeared to be in use. The twin sisters towered over me, one timidly behind the other, trying her best to save me.

"I'll be upset... if you... do this..."

Words that fell on deaf ears. The sister unwillingly pulled me to my feet, dragging me to wherever she wanted me to be.

"Better you upset than frenzied," She said, her jagged nails threatening to pierce the surface of my arm. "I don't care. I'm doing this."

Somewhere in the nauseating swivel and swirling view of the room, I saw it. An unmistakable glimmer at the far end across from me. In the night, it glowed bright... shimmering emerald eyes.


I didn't realize I was already reaching out for her. Her white flowing hair, her distinct pointed ears. Seeing her up close again, the pain, the dizziness... it all felt secondary now.

My body gave a spontaneous lurch towards her direction. Movement that was quickly halted by the Matriarch's iron clutch. She yanked me away, sinking and shredding into the flesh of my arm in the process. I felt the blood ooze away, the searing pain scorched my senses, I didn't care.

Not when she was right there, not when she was just within arm's reach.

"Come on, Ash!"

I already knew it was futile to call out for her. Quiet, despondent, her eyes, they stared at me, watched me struggle for dear life, yet she remained motionless and expressionless.

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