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The following days made me conscious of the people around me. Mom was always driving me and my siblings to school, and Mr. Ko has also been driving us home after school, but the fear was still there, the fear of being followed by my real father.

I don't know what he wants from me. Mom lost contact with our neighbors from before, back when we lived in Gwangju, so she wouldn't know if my father already left that city too.

It's been years since we left bim, why was he trying to connect with us now?

Even Jin and Namjoon didn't have any clues why. The two of them went home during the weekends after that, even Taehyung visited with them to check on me. But it was school days, it was Taehyung, and my younger brothers trying to distract me when we're on our way home.

On our first day of meeting for my last directorial play, Jennie finally asked me about what's bothering her since Prom.

"Jisoo, you can talk to me, you know? I'm your friend too." Jennie said when it was only the two of us in the auditorium, the rest were getting their bags backstage.

The way Jennie said those made me realize how long I've kept this secret from them, from my friends. They were always there for me from the beginning even when they don't know what's the deal between my brothers acting weird, Taehyung being overprotective all of a sudden, and me being distant.

"I'm sure the rest of the group can feel something. You and Tae are the group's energizer most of the time and not hearing much from the both of you made the others suspect that something is wrong. I, especially, know that there's something going on." Jennie continued, "You don't have to keep all your thoughts a secret, Soo. We're here for you. We'll listen, we'll help you if you have a problem."

I sighed and sat back down on my seat. "I guess I have to share it with you guys since you said you already know. But... can my brothers be with me when I tell you? I'm not comfortable telling it without them."

"Of course, tell it to us however you like." Jennie placed a hand on my shoulder, smiling at me. "And Soo, thank you for finally trusting us."

Our group of friends gathered at The Manor the day after our Club meeting. It was a Saturday and all the boys older than us were present too. I asked Jin and Namjoon if it was alright to share if to our friends, and they accepted right away in order to alert them from our father.

"You've been keeping this from us all this time?" Yoongi asked after Jin told the story of our family before. "That's... strong of you, Jisoo."

"It's been bothering us for months now." Jin sighed. "But I only agreed to tell you all about our situation in hopes of you guys protecting my sister when our father actually decides to reveal himself."

"We'll protect her, hyung!" Jungkook said in determination, "Especially Taehyung hyung. We noticed him being jumpy when he found noona walking alone along the corridors of our school. I thought it was funny at first but now that you explained the situation, I'm a little embarrassed I thought of that."

"Just a little?" Roseanne asked.

"Well, Taehyung's scared look looked funny to me." Jungkook pouted then bowed down, "Alright, I'm super embarrassed now, I'm sorry."

Hoseok chuckled and pat JK's head. "What a kid. Anyway, thanks for sharing it with us, you three." he continued, "How do you feel now, Jisoo?"

Looking at the floor because I couldn't find myself seeing them look at me with concern, I said, "I guess... a little secured? I don't know, I finally got to tell this to you and by seeing your reactions. now I feel like there are people who will help me when something happens." I have them, I have my friends with me. Then I looked up, meeting each their gaze while all of them gave me reassuring smiles, "I don't really want you guys to know my weakness, about our father, but when Jennie told me that most on you felt something's off, I felt ashamed of myself for not trusting you.. and for being weak. But thanks, thanks for listening to us."

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