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"Sooya! Happy birthday!" Namjoon greeted me for the 11th time today and it's just 10 in the morning.

"Hyung, you sound so excited today." Beomgyu told Namjoon, "And why are you three overdressed? Are you going somewhere?"

"We asked mom if we could go to the animal shelter to adopt a dog for Taehyung." Namjoon excitedly replied, shaking his tiny fists as he did so, "I want to have one too."

"Joon, please, think about it a bit more." Mom took her shoulder bag on the couch and took the car keys out. "Jin, drive safely, okay?" She gave the keys of our family car to Jin, who just got his license last month.

"Why don't we know about this?!" Soobin ran towards the stairs. "I want to come with you guys! Wait for me!"

Beomgyu followed Soobin upstairs. "Me too!"

Mom sighed and gave us a stern look. "Take care of your younger brothers! Call me when you need anything. I'll just be in my office." She shifted her gaze to me. "Happy birthday, sweetie. We'll eat dinner together to celebrate your birthday."

"Rosie and Jimin are coming later, right? Mom?" Jin asked.

Mom nodded. "Yes, I talked to their parents already. So is Yoongi and Jungook. Lisa's in Thailand so she couldn't make it. I'm sure you all know about that, right?"

I nodded with a frown. "Take care on your way, mom!"

Jin drove us to the nearest animal shelter in town. A man greeted us once we came inside, while the animals who noticed us made noises.

"Good morning, kids. What can we do for you today?"

Namjoon gladly answered the man and told him what we were trying to find. Seconds after, he led us to where the dogs were kept. The cute dogs were inside dog pens, their sizes ranging from the tiniest pup to the largest, and fluffiest.

"Look at that white medium one!" Soobin pointed at a dog playing with a coal colored pup.

The five of us approached the pen holding the small to medium sized dogs. Namjoon and Soobin tried to take the white dog while I cupped the small one.

"That's a pomeranian dog. He's a bit fragile, please hold him carefully." the man taking care of the animals cautioned us.

"This one is cute," Beomgyu had a big smile on his face while he tried to play with the pup I was holding. "I think this one's fit for hyung."

"I think so too." I played with the pup for a while, then turned to the man, "Sir, what's his name?"

"Oh," he smiled, "We still haven't named the pup."

Beomgyu looked at me, "Hyung gets to name him then."

"I guess that's better. He likes to come up with nicknames anyway." I said. "Namjoon, where's Jin?"

Soobin and Joon looked around to check for Jin, but he wasn't in the same room with us.

"Look what caretaker noona let me hold!" Jin burst in the room, a sugar glider on the back of his hand. His looked so amused and excited, he's like the youngest among us. "It's a sugar glider!"

"We know what sugar gliders are, hyung." Namjoon said.

"I don't." Soobin and Beomgyu said, approaching Jin in curiosity.

Soobin tried to poke the sugar glider resting on Jin's hand. "Wah! It's so cute!"

"Hey, Soo. Let's get these dogs already while they're busy." Namjoon said, holding the dog he chose.

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