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September. 11th Grade.

High school during September means Intramurals. Jungkook, being the all rounder he is, signed up for almost all sports - basketball, badminton, and volleyball. Same goes for Taehyung and Jimin. Hoseok signed up for badminton while Joon signed up for table tennis with Jimin.

The girls and I didn't try signing up to any sports. We're just not that active in that field. So this intramurals, we were just on the sidelines holding water bottles for our friends.

"Hey Ji, I'll just go to Kai for a while. His water bottle is with me." Jennie said, showing me her boyfriend's tumbler.

Yep, her boyfriend's.

Turned out, Kai courted Jennie throughout the summer break after he broke up with Krystal. Word was, it wasn't a good break up. We noticed it too, Krystal unnie's being indiscreet in giving Jennie death glares every time they pass by each other ever since school started.

"Unnie, Gyuri's about to approach Taehyung!" Rosie pulled the sleeve of my uniform to get my attention.

But Lisa got another idea. Instead of pulling my sleeve, she pulled me and Rosie towards Tae and Jimin, who were just done playing volleyball against the 12th graders. "Gyuri's being too obvious this school year!" Lisa exclaimed, looking ready to fight her batchmate.

"Relax, you two." I said, stopping them from walking. "Why are you girls being overprotective of Tae?" I chuckled.

The two of them looked at me in confusion. "Don't you like oppa?" Rosie asked.

"What?" I spat almost too defensively. "Wh- Where did you get that?"

"Unnie, you two are obvious." Lisa crossed her arms, "I'm not sure with oppa though. He kinda changed after what happened last June. He's not that possessive of unnie anymore, you noticed that Rosie?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. Now that Lisa mentioned it, Taehyung did change.

Over the summer break, Taehyung didn't call me that much like he did before. He often sends me photos, most of them with Yeontan, he plays with me, Jin, and Jungkook online, but what really changed was him going to our place when he's really bored. My assumption is that he's got Yeontan with him to accompany him now - that's what I like to believe, anyway. But I guess that's part of growing up, best friends don't need to be clingy, right? And he's still the same smiley and annoying Taehyung from before, so him being les clingy to me isn't really a big problem for me.

"Unnie! Duck!"

It was almost the same as when my feet got run over by a motorcycle, but this time, it was a volleyball ball about to hit me straight in the face. Lisa and Roseanne screamed just in time for me to dodge the ball, however, someone suddenly blocked my view, hugging me as he held my head as if to protect me.

"Hyung! I'm sorry!"

I looked up to see Taehyung's eyes closed tightly.

"Oppa, is your head okay?" asked Lisa. concerned.

Taehyung finally opened his eyes and smiled. "I'm okay." He stepped backward and held my shoulders. "You okay?" I nodded. "Let's eat lunch now." He turned around to walk away but I pulled his hand for him to face me again. "What?"

"Your head... do you want to go to the clinic?" i asked.

He chuckled. "It's just a ball, Soo. My head's stronger than that." He pat his head lightly with his boxy smile.

"Alright then, whatever you say, Tae." I said warily. I called Lisa and Rosie before texting Jennie to go to the cafeteria if she wanted to eat with us.

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