part 30- to catch a vigilante

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Barry's POV
Today a report came out about he brutal assault of captain Singh he resigned the day after. Apparently we have a arrow style vigilante in centreal city and he has powers. Why he's coming after the CCPD we don't know.
That night in running across the street when Cisco tells me that the vigilante is currently assaulting a police officer in 4th street I run over there. When I get there I look at the vigilante and I gasp hes exactly the right height and build to be Eddie I run into him sending him flying into a bin he runs off I speed off after him knocking him to the floor again this time however I grab him and he back to star labs. I sit him down in the control room "Barry what the hell is going on" Caitlin yells Eddie looks up "Barry?" He says I pull off my mask "holy shit Barry your the flash" I say to him "it's all well and good going after the corrupt cops Eddie but not like this." He looks at me I continue "I thought you hated the way the arrow operates now your acting just like him brutally beating down police officers in back alleys forcing them out of jobs" he's still just looking at me. "Barry listen I don't give a fuck about the meta humans what those cops are doing and have been doing for years is wrong and I have the ability to stop them I've been planning this for ages" I say "Eddie this isn't the way to do it. Pulling on a balaclava and beating the living daylights out of them just doesn't work" he blinks then says "fine fuck off and let me do it my way" I punch him the face knocking him out I run to the pipeline and lock him in. Caitlin looks at me and says "if we can change his mind about the violence then he could be a useful asset to the team." I nod my head and say "as much as I agree I've known Eddie awhile he won't change his mind". She kisses me "Barry you'll do it your amazing enough that you change most peoples minds".

Caitlin's POV

Barry's beating himself up about how he couldn't stop Eddie from nearly killing the police officer last night I can tell by his Stoney face. so that night he's still at star labs trying to find Eddie again. I creep up on him and tap his shoulder he jump's up I laugh "no need to jump scaredy cat" he turns around and he laughs "your so mean Caitlin". there's a explosion from outside suddenly Barry runs out. next thing I know he's crashing through the roof a flaming man fly's in and lands in the control room. I unhook the gun from under the desk and point it at the flaming man he says "oh Caitlin put the gun away we both know you won't use it" the man suddenly deflames and Ronnie is stood there joe and cisco run in and joe pulls his gun out I then says "maybe I won't shoot you but they will." suddenly Ronnie bursts into flame and fly's out the roof. there's a groan "oh god Barry" I exclaim and drop to my knees beside him. "so um two things your ex boyfriend can turn into a ball of fire and he can throw me around with that fire"

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