part 16- reverse flash

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Barry's POV
Me and caitlin are sat outside star labs. Shes using my legs as a kind of foot stall and her head is on my shoulder. Theres a flash of red and then reverse flash is stood in the car park I look at her and say "I gotta go" I then pick her up and run inside and before she knows it I'm back outside I run straight into reverse flash sending him flying into a nearby building he gets up and I come crashing into him sending him back into the wall. I start punch him in the face blood drips out of his mouth and he falls to the floor. He then gets up I hit him with a upper cut he hits his head on the broken wall and falls to the floor I run him into the pipeline shutting the door when suddenly I hear caitlin scream o run up to the control room and dr wells is stood with a gun to her head "barry let him go" he says joe and Cisco run in joe pulls out his gun and points it at wells I'm to fast for wells I grab caitlin saving her before he has time to pull the trigger shooting himself in the hand he screams on pain and falls to the floor joe then pulls handcuffs out and arrests harrison. I hug caitlin whispering softly in her ear "it's ok I have you now he cant hurt you" she starts to cry into my shoulder I carry her home and set her down on the bed still hugging her. This isn't how it went last time I think to myself Harrison would do this to caitlin but he why isn't he reverse flash. What the fuck Is going on.

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