His world had ended

His father told him that he never wanted to talk to him again

although she put up a tough exterior it broke his mother, she lost everything too, everything except jungkook

Jungkook didn't know what she would do without him and he made sure that he would do everything possible to never see her upset and one day that he'll get a job that can pay for her as well so she didn't have to work so hard anymore, even if that meant him having to work twice as hard


As Taehyung let go of the younger jungkook grabbed ahold of his arm "please don't leave me" he didn't care if he sounded childish or clingy, he just couldn't be left alone

"I'll just be down here on the fl-"

"Don't leave me" the younger sternly cut him off,
after that Taehyung got back on the bed with the other boy and put his arm back around him

"I won't, I won't... I promise"

Taehyung started to see a different side of jungkook, he no longer saw the annoying little bratty roommate he once did, now all he's sees is a fragile boy who should be protected

Soon both of them fell into a deep sleep just like that, with jungkook in taehyungs arms


Jungkooks POV

"I'll be fine, don't worry about me, look after yourself okay I'll see you again" the young teenage boy said about to get in the car

"No please don't go, i need you" I start crying, only able to make out the blurry sight of the boy in the car "y-you c-can't leave me, YOU CANT TAKE HIM FROM ME" I say yelling to the driver while banging on the door as it starts to drive away so I chase it

"STOP... BRING HIM BACK...DONT LEAVE ME" I say while running out of breath as the car gets to fast for me to follow and someone's arm grabs ahold of mine, pulling me back to the house

I turn to see my mother "why did they take him, why couldn't they he take me instead!"

"You know why he didn't take you and it'll be fine, you'll see him again soon" She said calmly but I could see the tears in her eyes

Instantly i get flashed forward a year

I wake up in my room, confused, and can hear voices coming from downstairs

When I reach the end of the stairs i peak around the corner and see a man in suit and my mother sat opposite him crying

"I'm really sorry miss, we haven't seen him anywhere, we can keep looking for him but at this point it doesn't seem likely that we'll find him" the man in the suit says

"Eomma?" I interrupt them walking into the living room with them "what's going on? Why are you crying? What's happened?"

She turns to the man In the suit "you can leave now, I have to talk to my son"


"No t-that's, that's not possible! He's not gone! HE WOULDNT LEAVE ME" I cry out running upstairs

"Jungkook come back" I hear my mother shout as I run to my room throwing myself on the bed crying

"Jungkook" I hear someone say as I'm crying into the pillow, I can feel wrapped around me, holding me tight, making me not feel so alone and I start to slowly stop crying

"Jungkook wake up what's wrong" a deep voice asks from beside me and when I open my eyes I'm back to reality

It was just a dream

I sit up, drying the tears on my face, and Taehyung puts his hand under my chin so he can look at me

"What happened you were crying and screaming, it really scared me, are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine... just a nightmare"

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Definitely not"

Unpredicted ~ taekook Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora