Luo Yao is still in high school but with a row of ear studs, her backpack is only one side back, face is painted with delicate makeup, arms are tattooed with large tattoos and her school uniforms are not like school uniforms. The white clothes are covered with graffiti and the trousers are rolled up a few times, revealing the slender ankles. She is looking like a troublemaker young girl.

"Yao yao, you are back."

Lin Zhixia took a step back after speaking, he was a little afraid of her.

Wang Ma disgust would still be covered up when talking to him but Luo Yao would never gave him face.

"Go away."

This time, it was the same.

The adolescent girl bluffs again and always been noisy even against Luo Qin. Lin Zhixia was not too angry with her attitude. He walked to the side obediently as he watched Luo Yao strode into the living room. She sneered at the table full of dishes and then went to the second floor.

Wang Ma yelled at her from below, "Young lady, you don't want to eat?"

"I've eaten outside." Luo Yao stood upstairs, and raised her eyebrows at Lin Zhixia while smiling, "Wang Ma, didn't I said to you that I don't eat things made from garbage."

Lin Zhixia was taken aback when he heard this Wang Ma groaned, like agreeing to Lu Yao, she then turned around and said loudly, "I just said I am going to cook. Look, it going to be wasted." She seemed to be talking to herself but the direction she was facing was indeed Lin Zhixia. Even if Lin Zhixia a little bit slow he knows it was directed to myself.

The disgust is clearly shown.

Lin Zhixia clenched his hand and wanted to say something but in the end he said nothing and sat back at the table.

It's half past nine, and he don't know if he had to wait any longer.

In fact, Luo Qin did not tell him that he would come back for dinner. Lin Zhixia sent a lot of text messages to ask him but he reply, saying he will think about it.

Compared to the straightforward refusal a few days ago, this message is already very mild.

Luo Qin is a man with a few words. When Lin Zhixia learned that he was a married man at the beginning of the book, he immediately searched for Luo Qin information. If he didn't check it, he don't know anything about Luo Qin. It turns out that Luo Qin is such a well-rounded person.

With a superior background, the school he attended is also one of the top schools in the world. Upon graduation, he took over their family business which had been declining at the time then in no time the company progress goes back on the right track. Within a year, he become the leading position in the industry and a rookie in the business world.

Plus, he is very good-looking.

A hundred pieces of information came out which all related to him. Ninety-five of them were howling why Luo Qin is so handsome and the remaining five were asking why Luo Qin didn't make a debut as an artist to benefit the entertainment industry.

There is also a video of his interview on the Internet and there is a video of a reporter consulting his love life.

At that time, Luo Qin had just graduated with a spirited eyebrow, smiled faintly at the camera and all the viewer melted seeing him through the lens.

"I am not good at expressing myself and I am a boring person. I hope my lover will not get angry because of it." On the surface, he seems to be a very cold person but actually he is a very gentle person in heart.

Lin Zhixia couldn't deny that although he didn't know enough about Luo Qin, he was moved when he saw this video.

He was an orphan in the original world without a family. He has always been looking forward to having his own family because he will no longer be like a leaf of duckweed, precarious without a sense of belonging. In this world, he is still an orphan but there was Luo Qin and his family.

He finally not alone in this world.

Thinking of this, Lin Zhixia rubbed his eyes and decided to wait for Luo Qin to return.

Finally, at twelve o'clock, Luo Qin returned.

He was wearing white shirt and black trouser, his figure was straight. Although his face was slightly tired, he was still handsome.

Luo Qin grandfather is a French, he also has an exotic look with fair skin. His facial features are very deep, his amber pupils make him more charming and even at a glance can also make people fall into it.

Lin Zhixia didn't chase celebrity very much in the original world but he loves to watch TV series. It is his greatest pleasure to lie down and watch a few episodes of TV series without using his mind to think.

Luo Qin is more handsome than all the male protagonists of the TV series he has watched.

In such a sleepy night, as soon as he saw Luo Qin his whole body became sober.

The moment he opened the door, the fragrance of unknown flowers in the garden also poured in, tightly surrounding Lin Zhixia soul.

"You're back!"

Lin Zhixia could hear the excitement in his own voice. Compared with the quiet Luo Qin, he was a little embarrassed so after a brief excitement, he resumed his cautious appearance. Sitting at the table while nervously looking at Luo Qin.

Luo Qin glanced at Lin Zhixia.

He was wearing white pyjama with soft black hair and big black bright eyes looking at him innocently. He looks very innocent.

It's disgusting, Luo Qin thought.

Lin Zhixia couldn't suppress the joy in his voice. He really couldn't hold back the other day. Luo Qin fell asleep late at night and got up very early in the morning so the two of them haven't seen each other for several days. He finally waited enough.

"I made you braised pork ribs, steamed fish..."

Before he finished his words, Luo Qin went straight to the stairs.

The voice hung in the air and stopped a little embarrassed.

After a day of work, he should be tired so maybe he didn't have the energy listening to my nagging. Lin Zhixia thought.

He sighed and put the food in the refrigerator.

In order to wait for Luo Qin to come back and eat together, he does not eat dinner but now, he has no appetite at all so he just goes to sleep.

He went back to the room in frustration. When he passed the study, he saw the light leaking through the gap and he knew that Luo Qin stay up to work late again and seems like he will sleep alone tonight.

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