Legolas - Gentlemen in Distress

Start from the beginning

When the Crebain flew over in Eregion, it hadn't been Legolas who pulled you under the rocks but Aragorn. At that moment you realized he truly was angry at you.

What you failed to notice was the worried expression Legolas wore the entire time, cursing himself for not being anywhere near you to pull you to safety. He had thanked Aragorn extensively afterwards. He vowed to himself to never make that mistake again.

When you entered the mines, you could hear Gimli boasting about his cousin and the hospitality they were about to recieve.

You felt the darkness closing in around you, you really didn't like this place.

"This is no mine, it's a tombe!" You heard Boromir exclaim.

It was only then you realised the cracking sound beneath your feet wasn't the sound of branches breaking or gravel. You were literally walking on dead bodies.

Legolas pulled an arrow out of a corpse.

"Goblins!" he hissed.

He notched an arrow on his bow and instinctively took a few steps towards you. You were too busy trying to avoid stepping on another dead Dwarf that you didn't notice.

Boromir yelled something about the Gap of Rohan, but a movement outside of the gates caught your attention.

Out of the water came a long tentacle, slowly sliding over the ground towards Frodo.

Before you could warn him, it grabbed his leg and dragged him out of the mines.

Sam cried to Aragorn for help, alerting everyone else. They all ran outside and tried to cut off the tentacles with their swords.

Boromir had been able to free Frodo, but the giant squidlike creature wasn't giving up very easily.

"Y/N! Go back inside, take the Hobbits with you!" Aragorn yelled.

Seriously? You were not a babysitter! Why did they have such a hard time believing you could hold your own?

Aragorn, Gimli and Boromir kept slicing the tentacles, but the creature didn't back off. Legolas shot arrow after arrow, to no avail. They needed help.

"Quick, give me a sword or a dagger, anything!" you yelled, eager to join the fight.

"No!" Legolas yelled, shooting an arrow in the squid's left eye. "Go back into the mines!"

"Oh, now you can talk to me!"

You felt someone grab your arm, trying to pull you back. You shook them off before you turned around and saw it was Merry, immediately swallowing the insult that had been on your tongue.

"Into the mines, hurry!" Gandalf shouted, when he realised this was a fight they could not win. You followed the others back into the mine, barely escaping the falling rocks when the entrance collapsed.


After a few days of walking through Moria, you had reached the Chamber of Mazarbul.

Legolas still wasn't talking to you, now upset you hadn't listened to him with the squid situation, but you knew he was going to give in at any moment.

You had caught him staring multiple times, his hands twitching to take yours when you walked next to each other.

Gimli cried over the loss of Balin. You placed your hand on his shoulder and squeezed lightly. He gave you a grateful nod.

You heard Gandalf reading aloud from a book he'd found, and the words he spoke made your hairs stand up.

A sudden clang sounded through the chamber, and you saw Pippin standing by a well. He had managed to knock the head off a corpse, and the body of the fallen warrior followed seconds later.

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