"No reason." I was lying and he knew it but he didn't press for more.

We started walking once more, except we trudged slowly as the school gates loomed ahead. The silence between us was so tense and awkward till I couldn't take it anymore.

"Hope we're still cool?" I asked him, already knowing his answer to that.

"Yeah, we're cool Jamila. I just didn't expect you to. . . Never mind, I've gotta run." Tossing me a quick smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, he jogged away, his rosemary scent trailing after him.

I stopped and watched his retreating back. We weren't cool, that I was sure of. Still puzzled, I shook my body for a moment, straightening out my unoccupied arm and continued my walk home. Alone.


Plopping down on my bed, I went through my social media apps, trying to stifle thoughts about Kian and his "bizarre" question.

The first app I came across was Whatsapp. Extra boring, I only had my kins there. And they were never online. Next was Twitter, hardly any followers. I had just one follower and that was my mom. Well, I wasn't active so that's not really surprising. And then Snapchat. Only like ten random friends on there, who hardly chatted me up. And when they did, it was mostly hey or hi and the chat ended. Woohoo.

Rolling my eyes at how moronic and unfair social media could be, I finally tapped on Instagram. Hopefully something new and captivating will be on.

I avoided the home page, not wanting to look at beautiful girls and hot boys whose lives seemed to be so perfect and exciting compared to my own very dull life. Clicking on my extremely dry profile I pursed my lips, still 300 followers. Since last year. Extremities of not being popular.

(_olaymila): jayy.den started following you, popped up on my phone notification bar. Guess that gives me 301 followers now. Hurray. Kinda.

I went to jayy.den's profile and hit follow back. He had like 30 posts and they were all very dope. Pictures of him with people who looked like him, probably his relatives, photographs of nature and other beautiful and awesome stuff. I checked his followers and my jaw dropped. Dude had like more than thrice my followers and two-third were girls. Of course. The guy's way too gorgeous for his own good. And I thought he was as dry as me. Pfft.

As I explored his page---yeah I'm literally stalking him now, in a not so creepy way---I came across a video of him playing the guitar whilst sitting down on the bed. And he really played well, the strings plucking out a melodious tune that soothed the ears. What really caught my eye, apart from the music, was that he had a panther tattoo glaring boldly on his right biceps and he wasn't wearing his stupid ugly glasses. Not only that, it was a recent video. Just two weeks ago. What the ---? Who the hell was Jayden? Who was the boy beneath those turtlenecks that didn't allow me to see that tattoo on his biceps (arrghh!), nerdy glasses and loads of books? I was so darn curious.

Ping! A message from someone on Instagram. Already knowing who that would be, I went straight to my direct messages. Jayden, as I had thought.

jayy.den: Hi Olayinka

Hmm, Olayinka. I needed to tell him I preferred Olay.

_olaymila: Hey!!!!! Den!!!!!! Guyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!! And it's Olay, btw!

Dude has got some explaining to do.

jayy.den: Woah! Woah! Chills girl, chills! You must hv missed me that much, with the way you're abusing those exclamations *smirks Still going to continue calling you Olayinka though. Olayinka *snickers

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