Chapter 15

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**Eliza's Outfit!**

**Eliza's Outfit!**

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Grant's POV

I sit down on the couch as I hold my phone and cut on the TV, I'm bored out of my mind. It immediately pulls up a princess show or something and I smile. I know my princess is going to look beautiful but I know my other princess was watching this. I'm excited and so ready for tonight, I finally get my date and I'm about to make it one of the best nights of her life. I just don't have a fucking clue how to.

I search for restaurants but I don't see anything I really want to do, they are nice but not the type of nice I know I need to take her on. I keep searching and never find anything. I just need to cut my loses and call someone. I wish my dad was here to help me for this, him and my mom were what I want.

We moved to Atlanta because of his heart problems, my mom found the best doctor in the south here. We lived in Tennessee forever and then up and moved to help him, and it worked for a while until he passed away. I never cried so much, and my mom was a mess for a long time until she pulled herself together. Eliza was there for me, she was the only one I could talk to and I will never be able to thank her for helping me. Well her, and Tanner. He kept me in football, he convinced me not to quit. I was done after my dad couldn't watch me play but Tanner convinced me to keep going to make him proud and I will never be able to thank that man for making my life the way it is. He made me into NFL material and he knows that I wouldn't be anywhere without him.

I knew that he saw the way I looked and still look at Eliza. He pulled me aside and talked to me for hours and we became so close so quick. He was the only man figure I had to look up to and I know he likes me, especially for letting me come over to see Eliza.

I need to call Tanner, he'll know what to do. He's all I got. I scroll through my phone and find his name and immediately call him.

"Grant, son what's going on?" He answers on the second ring.

"Eliza agreed to go on a date with me and I need an idea on where to go. I'm freaking out because I have no fucking idea" I tell him as he starts laughing at me.

"Finally, I've been waiting for this since you two met" he says as I smile immediately.

"Well, where do I take her on our first date? I'm kind of lost" I ask as he sighs.

"What's her favorite place?" He asks as I think really hard and come up with nothing.

"I don't know" I tell him as he immediately interjects, "The fuck you don't, you know everything about her" he says as I laugh.

"She likes burgers and she likes it to be quiet" I tell him as he says as loud, "ahh smart man".

"Listen, I took Ellie to a drive in movie and we ate Zaxby's on our first date. Why not take her somewhere like that and get takeout of her favorite burger place?" He asks as I smile.

Eliza's Elation (Kingston Spin-off #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now