Chapter 17

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Grant's POV

I'm so fucking nervous to do this. My hands are shaking and I don't get fucking nervous for anything, not even while I'm playing football. I pull into her parents open driveway and security gate and almost shit myself. Her dad, mom and both of her sets of grandparents are here. I see all the cars, this is going to kill me. I'm so fucking nervous, there's not another word.

I know I have loved Eliza since before I knew what love is. I knew she was the one and I was friend zoned forever before she realized she loves me too, and now, two months later I'm asking for permission to take her hand. I always have wanted to do this and now, I'm shaking I'm so nervous. I know her parents love me, and I love them too, I'm just asking to take their daughter and that's a big deal.

I park in front of their huge house and walk up the steps to the front door. With shaking hands I knock three times and stay still. I hear laughing and talking so I expect them to be in an okay mood, maybe happy will make this better though.

Her dad opens the door a second later, "Hey Grant, how are you?" he asks just as friendly as he is as I walk in and hug him followed by her mom. I turn the corner and find Brooke, Duke, Ellie, and Tanner all sitting at the kitchen table as I walk in and hug them all as well. I don't really like to hug people but this family, it's their language.

"Grant honey how are you and Lacey?" Ellie asks as I smile, "We're doing good, thank you" I demand as she releases my arm from her grip. Everyone here knows that Eliza and I have been seeing each other, there's no reason for us to hide it because it's kind of obvious.

"What can I do for you son?" her dad asks as I feel the sweat and shaking about to start.

"I-, I need to speak with you, and I guess everyone else who's here" I demand as I sit down next to him at the kitchen table and right next to Tanner, this shouldn't be so bad. He pulls Tatum to his side and she sits next to him as I sigh and run my hand through my hair.

"I, I need to ask something" I shudder as I start fanning my shirt to help with the sweat. I feel the sets of eyes on me and I don't like it. I reach into my pocket and pull out the box and set it on the table. I bought it a week after she got here, and it took months to come in. Being with her for so long, I already knew her ring size and I got something I know she's going to love.

"Grant" Tanner whispers as I look up at Dean and start, "I love Eliza. I have always loved Eliza and I want to marry her. I would like to have your permission" I tell him truthfully as he nods.

"I respect that son, thank you for asking but you know you've always been my favorite, and I knew that other guy wouldn't last. He never even asked me if he could marry her and that's something really important to me." he tells me as I nod.

"Mrs. Andrews, do I have your approval as well?" I ask as she smiles.

"Of course, and Tatum, you call me Mrs. Andrews and it makes me feel old" she demands as I smile.

"Thank you, do I have everyone else's permission?" I ask as I look over at the grandparents they all nod and I smile.

"Thank you. I promise I'll take care of her" I tell them truthfully as they smile.

"I know you will" Tanner nods and bumps my shoulder with his, "Thanks old man" I demand as he flicks me a bird and then my phone starts ringing. I look down and pull it out of my pocket as I see her name, "Excuse me for a second, it's her" I tell them as they nod and start back their conversation. I stuff the ring back into my pocket and stand up walking into the kitchen.

I answer it immediately, "Hey princess". I try to cover up where I am as I shift on my feet.

"Hi babe, where are you?" I immediately panic and let out a sigh, "I'm at- the umm, the football field" I rattle off hoping she will believe me. I can't really lie to her and I hope that's not obvious.

Eliza's Elation (Kingston Spin-off #1) ✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin