Chapter 3

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Eliza's POV

Ella looks so freaking cute as a mouse. She's so tiny and looks so cute I think my heart is about to burst. She demanded that I dress up as Cinderella and Grant dress up as Prince Charming so now we are taking her Trick-or-Treating across town. My mom and dad always make Halloween a big deal in our neighborhood along with the rest of the family so I'm taking her there for as much candy as she can get.

"Ella, I love this" I tell her as I reach behind her butt and grab her tail.

"I know! I love it too!" She says back as I grab her hand and the skirt I have on. I never dress up for Halloween but something about doing it this year, with Grant, it just felt special since I know he's leaving in two weeks.

"Let's find G!" She demands as I take her hand and walk down the stairs. I walk over to her mom and grab her hand helping her tie the string on the small candy bucket. Her Parkinson's only got worse after her husband died and I know she was older when she had Ella. Ella was a surprise but I know she loves her unconditionally.

"Thank you Eliza. I just can't do it anymore" she says as I take her hands in mine to stop them from shaking.

"It's okay, what do you need help with? Can I do something?" I ask as she shakes her head no.

"I got most of it already. I just need you to write something for me and you can't tell Grant" she says as I nod and follow her. Ella runs back upstairs to find Grant as I follow her into the small room behind the kitchen.

"So, I found out last week after Grant told me about Seattle that you're not going" she says as I nod. She rests her hands beside her as she covers up something behind her.

"I'm not" I tell her as she sighs and holds her hands together. I can't, I wish he would have got an offer closer to home but I still love that he's going. It took a few days of me convincing him of how awesome it would be and he finally said he'd do it.

"I need you to promise me that you'll still try to see him. Eliza he loves you very much" she says as I nod and smile.

"I love him very much too, I'll try whenever I have time, I promise" I tell her as she nods. She just doesn't know that I love him like the love of my life, not just my best friend.

"Okay, I need you to sign this for me" she says as she shows me a gift bag set up of all his favorite stuff and next to it is a card. I smile as I see Ellas name in big letters. "This is so sweet, he'll love this" I whisper to her as I look through and see Kit Kat's, Doritos and a huge Seahawks hat. He's going to love this because his mom and sister are supporting him so much.

They don't have much money and I know that I have put money in their bank account without them knowing but I love that they want to do this for him. My dad being a lawyer, helped me locate the account and put a couple of thousand in it from my grandparents account they had made for me. I just felt like I needed to help them, Grants been so good to me and it's the least I could do.

"Will you write something for me?" She asks as I nod and hold the pencil.

"Grant, I'm so proud of the man you have become and your father would be so proud. I love you and I hope Seattle brings you the most joy you've ever had. Love you Mamma" she says as I write everything she says down.

She smiles as I hand her the pen, "Write it and I'll guide your hand, I think you should sign Mamma" I tell her as she nods. I take her hand and guide it with mine slowly to help with the shaking and she writes it down. It's messy but it's his mom and he'll love it.

"Eliza are you ready?" He shouts from upstairs as I write my name and that I love him before sealing the envelope. I'm not going to be sad about this, it's a happy night.

Eliza's Elation (Kingston Spin-off #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now