Chapter 4

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Grant's POV

"So, it's our last day together, what would you like to do G?" Kiss you. It's that simple, I want to kiss the fuck out of you my sweet princess.

"I don't know" I reply as she rolls her eyes and leans into my shoulder. I've been in love with Eliza Taylor Andrews since the first day of my freshman year of high school. I saw her and I knew I loved her, she was standing at her locker with guys around her and I automatically had a huge protective instinct over her. Turns out they were her brother, cousins, and relatives but that doesn't change how I felt that day. I knew I wanted her.

It's gotten so much deeper than that now, I look at her all day everyday because I'm in love. She immediately friend zoned me though so I'm stuck. I mean it every time I tell her that I love her though because I do, I love her more than anyone.

When high school fucks wanted to take her out I threatened to kill all of them. When we went to homecoming, I told any other guy that wanted to ask her that I'd kill him. It's wrong but she's mine and mine only. When I told her weeks ago about Seattle she smiled, she didn't seem upset, she just told me she loved me and supported me. I couldn't help but feel like my heart broke though because she was so happy for me and all I wanted to do was tell her that I love her. Not the best friend love that we have, the heart racing, palm sweating kind of love.

I lean down and smell her soft curls as she lays into my shoulder. I'm leaving tomorrow and I hate it, I want the throw her small behind over my shoulder and take her with me but, I know she can't go. I don't blame her, I'm just praying that we see each other still.

We're laying in her bed right now, and she stays with me almost every night but considering I'm not a student here anymore as of today I don't have a dorm room anymore. I just won't be able to sleep without her cuddled up next to me or on my chest. "Eliza, we need to get up and do something, it's my last day with you. For a few months and I have to do something with my girl" I whisper into her hair as I hold her side. I rub my hands across her bare back as she burrows her head into my neck and smells me.

I don't say anything at all as I hold her back and rub her soft skin. She's my favorite thing in the world, I love holding her. She's always in my arms, on my chest, and near me. She has to feel the same way, we've been inseparable for almost six years and I absolutely love her.

I don't notice her shallow breathing until I feel the tears cover my neck. "Eliza" I whisper as I pull her face to me and look at her beautiful blue eyes. She's in tears, full blown tears.

"Baby" I whisper as I wipe her face and tears away. She looks down at my bare chest and holds me to her as I rub her back. She just holds me as she cries and cries onto my tattoos covering my chest. I'm obsessed with having them, and I absolutely love the one I have for her, she just doesn't know it. It's right before my boxers and it's her name, with a princess crown around it, it's small but it's for her.

"I-, I-, I- know you have to go, I do but I-, I am going to miss you so much G" she whispers as I lift the back of her small tank and rub her back. She's wearing a tank top and shorts, and I'm only in athletic shorts but I'm respectful and I don't look at her nipples slipping through the white tank top. I want to but I want to when she's ready, when we get married.

"I love you so much" I whisper to her as she meets my face and smiles.

"I love you too" she whispers back as I hold her into me. I have to tell her how I feel. I have to, I can't wait any longer.

Eliza's Elation (Kingston Spin-off #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now