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Zach's POV

I finally find the motivation to get up and I get a shower. I get ready for the day. There is a knock on the door. I go over and open it to find the person I don't want to see.

"What do you want Jack?"

"I want to apologize"

"For what part? Using me, blaming me, writing snitch on my door, lying to me, hurting me, breaking my heart? Cause its a little late for that Jack"

"I know it is but I still want to try. I miss my best friend"

"And I miss not being broken hearted. I miss not crying myself to sleep. I miss being happy"

"Come on Zach we can still be friends"

"You can't be friends with someone you fell in love with Jack" I say and I shut the door.

*6 months later*

I am heading over to Jonah and Corbyn's house because they said they need to talk to me. I don't really talk to Jack anymore and whenever I can, I help Gabbie with Lavender. Jonah told me we are having a band meeting but no clue what about.

I get there and go in. I find no one downstairs so I head upstairs and look around. I find everyone in Jonah's room. "What is this about?" I ask.

"Sit" Jonah says, pointing to the bed.

"Fine" I roll my eyes and sit down. "Now what is this about"



"Yes you and Jack"

"What about us?"

"The fans are noticing you guys don't interact with each other anymore. I know you guys aren't on good terms but you could act like it in public and on social media. We can't exactly tell them what happened and to be perfectly honest you guys could have fixed this by now. You used to be best friends. I understand he hurt you Zach but you can't hold a grudge for the rest of your life. And Jack if you didn't want Gabbie to find out you shouldn't have done it in the first place you know it was wrong" Jonah says.

"I can and will hold a grudge for the rest of my life Jonah. I was lead on and used. I will not become friends with him again just to hurt myself more or for it to happen again. Its been 6 months and I am still not over him no matter how bad he hurt me, I still love him. How am I supposed to be friends with the person I fell in love with and act like its nothing? How am I supposed to be friends with the person who broke my heart and act like nothing happened when the pieces won't even fit back together at this point? When you figure that out then you can talk to be about being friends with him." I say.

"Okay I know I fucked up Zach! I'm sorry! You are right Jonah it shouldn't have happened I knew better and I did it anyway hut if I could take it back I would. He's never going to forgive me and I don't blame him theres no fixing it so just drop it. I can act like nothing happened for the fans but thats about it" Jack says.

"I will act like nothing happened in front of the fans too Jo but that is all you are getting." I say.

"Then you leave me no choice" Jonah says and we look at him confused. Daniel and Corbyn get up and stand outside in the hallways.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"You guys are not allowed to leave this room until you guys fix this. If it takes days it takes days. We will bring you food and there is a bathroom connected to my room. Corbyn and Daniel will go get you guys clothes you will only come out for interviews and concerts until you guys make up."

"What! No!" Jack and I yell.

"Yes" he says and he walks out, locking the door. (Yes I know normally the lock is on the inside but they switched it around so its on the outside and the part where you put the key in is on the inside)

"Wow they are reallt doing this" Jack says.

"No shit" I say, rolling my eyes.

"What do we do?"

"They will give up I am just waiting until they do"

"But what if they don't?"

"They will"

"And if they don't?"

"I don't know Jack"

For Him//Jachary HaveryWhere stories live. Discover now