Zach's POV

I wake up and go downstairs. The boys are there except Jack. I roll my eyes and get some pancakes. "Where's Jack?" I ask. 

"He never came home. So I am assuming he stayed at gabbie's last night" Daniel says. Jonah looks at me. 

"Are you okay?" He mouths. I nod. We watch movies for a few hours and Jack comes home. Hickeys very visible on his neck. A huge smile on his face. All it takes is one look for me to race to my room and break down. I hate him. I hate this. I hate my feelings. I hate that I can't be with him.

I hear a knock on the door. I wipe my face and try to make it look like I wasnt crying. I open the door to come face to face with Jack. "What do you want?" I ask.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"Nothing. I'm fine" I say as I try to shut the door, but he stops it with his foot. 

"Zach it's obvious you were crying. What's wrong?" 

"Nothing. Can you tell Jonah to come here?"

"Are you guys dating?"

"What! No! Hes like a brother to me. Whats it to you anyway?" 

"Are you sure? You guys sure act like it. Being all cuddly and secretive" 

"Why do you care if we are?" I ask.

"I don't"

"Obviously you do because you wont accept my answer and won't stop pushing it" 

"I just asked if you were sure, jeez." 

"We aren't dating. Obviously I would be sure it is me and Jo we are talking about not you and Jo so I would know more about it then you." I say and I slam the door in his face. I lock it and lay back down on my bed. 

Jack's POV 

Zach slams the door in my face. He's right why do I care so much? Why was I pushing it so much? Oh well. I got downstairs. "Jo he won't talk to me. He wants you" I say kinda snotty. 

"Calm down. It may be just something he doesn't want to tell you yet. You can't push him to tell you things Jack. He will tell you when he is ready. I'm gonna go talk to him and see what I can do. How bad was he?" Jonah replies. 

"I know Jo. I know. You are right. He looked like he was crying. I guess that's why I was so upset because he wouldn't let me help him. He's my best friend. I am supposed to be there but he won't let me." I say and Jonah nods. He goes upstairs and I hang out with the rest of the guys. "Zach and I have drifted lately and I hate it. He's gotten closer to Jonah. He used to come to me about everything."

"You know what doesn't help? Never being home. Ditching him for your fiance. Being up her butt 24/7. The only time you are home is to get clothes or if we have something we need to do for the band that day. We all have drifted from you Jack not just Zach" Corbyn says getting up and going upstairs. Daniel nods and follows him. 

"I AM NOT UP HER BUTT. IM HOME MORE THAN YOU THINK" I yell. I grab my keys and walk out slamming the door in the process. I get in the car and go to visit my family. I need to get away for a while and I haven't seen them in a while. 

For Him//Jachary HaveryWhere stories live. Discover now