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Zach's POV

I arrive in Dallas and head to the house. I use my key to unlock the door and go inside. I go to my old room and unpack. When I finish I lay down and think about everything that has happened. I told Christina I didn't want Jack to know, but she told him anyways. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I thought.

I eventually get up and go grocery shopping. I don't know how long I will be here exactly but I am going to need food. I get enough for at least 2 weeks, so ifI decide to go back soon I don't have a months worth of food left to rot here. I get back and put everything away.

I called my mom last night and asked her about getting the power back on for a while. I told her I just needed away for a while. She agreed and said she would call today. The power was back by time I got back from shopping.

Once everything was put away I decided to go on a walk. I grab my phone and keys before heading out. I walk around for a while before ending up at the park. I sit down on a bench. Luckily I haven't run into any fans yet. Knock on wood. I love our fans but sometimes we just need a break from everything.

I get up and walk around for another hour or so before heading home. I make something to eat and get a shower. I watch a movie before heading to bed. I fall asleep thinking about Jack, like I do most nights. This time though. I am convincing myself I don't need him.

Jack's POV (his POV starts from the morning around when Daniel found Zach's note)

I wake up on the couch. Gabbie kicked me out here last night. I don't blame her to be honest but I hate her being mad at me. I need to talk to Zach. I need answers. Last night he just ran off.

I get up and I make breakfast, hoping Gabbie is calmer now then she was last night. I hear her come out of our room. "Hey, I made breakfast. I really am sorry. I'm ready to talk about it whenever you want." I say. She nods and we both get our plates.

After we eat we head to the living room and sit down. "Jack you said it meant nothing. It may have meant nothing to you but it was obviously something. It obviously meant something to Zach, whether you wanted it to happen or not it did. I don't want to sit here every night while you are out worried that it is going to happen again. Maybe with Zach. Maybe with another girl. We are engaged Jack. We have a kid on the way. We need to figure this out" Gabbie says. I nod.

"I know we do. You're right it meant nothing to me and something to him. I have no idea why it happened but it did. I will do everything in my power to make sure it doesn't happen again. I will do everything I can to earn your trust back. I plan on going over and talking to Zach here in a little bit. We need to talk about it and figure everything out. I want you, me, and our baby to be a family and be happy. I don't want to jeopardize that in anyway. I won't drink. I will do anything. I just don't want to lose you or Zach. He is my best friend or at least he was. We drifted and I understand why now. I will do everything in my power to fix everything. I know it will take time but I am willing to do it." I say as I take her hands in mine.

"I believe we can fix this together. We can do this. You do need to talk to him but if he is going to be a problem are you willing to cut him out of your life for our family?"

"Gabbie he is my best friend and my bandmate I can't just cut him out of my life like none of that means anything."

"But what if he causes problems?"

"He won't. He will want me to be happy even if that is with you babe"

"You are 100% sure of this?"

"I am" I say and she nods. We hang out for a while just talking before I head to the Why Don't We house. I get there and Daniel, Jonah, Corbyn, and Christina are watching a movie. "Hey where is Zach?"

"He isn't here" Jonah says.

"But where is he"


"Because I need to talk to him"

"Good luck with that"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"He left Jack"

"What do you mena he left"

"He is in Texas. He left to clear his head and figure everything out for himself"

"And you just let him"

"We didn't know until this morning. He left during the night. He left a note" He hands me the note and I read over it.

"He really just left"

"Yeah. I know. Hopefully when he gets back you guys can figure everything out"

"I hope so. I don't want to lose him"

"I know" Jonah says. I head back home and tell Gabbie. She just nods. We hang out the rest of the day, talking and watching movies. We head to bed and I fall asleep thinking about Zach. He's my best friend. I haven't ever thought of him as more then that. Right?

For Him//Jachary HaveryWhere stories live. Discover now