Chapter 10: Blood Rise

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It was already suspicious enough that the Ironbloods were acting so odd towards Shinano while Shikikan was around. The two had thought that they were being wary of her power and were overreacting.

What the entire Sakura Empire hadn't expected was for Bismarck and Prinz Eugen to pay a visit to their land with a white haired battleship that Shikikan didn't quite recognize.

"Who is that?" Shikikan asks.

"Forgive me for not introducing my sister, this is Tirpitz." Bismarck replies. "She's heard many stories about you, Shinano."

"Has she?" Shinano asks.

"I've heard many a legend about you, and now you are here standing before me..." Tirpitz replies. "I don't believe this..."

"I think we get it, she's super powerful. We've made that clear quite a few times." Shikikan says. "Anything else you wanna point out?" He asks jokingly, earning him a playful nudge from the heavy cruiser.

"I think there's a little more that I'd point out..." Eugen giggles as she steps closer to Shikikan. "More specifically, the fact that you are so verdammt cute~" She giggles some more as she squeezes and squishes Shikikan's cheeks.

"Ara~ What, pray tell, is going on here?" Akagi asks as she walks over, giving Prinz Eugen a gaze that could kill. "What are you doing to Shikikan?"

"Nothing you need to worry about~" Eugen chuckles.

"I'm not really sure if he likes that or not... I'd let go if I were you." Akagi says.

"Or what?" Eugen laughs.

"Pleash... Shtop it..." Shikikan pleads.

"Oh all right, I'll stop." Eugen pouts as she lets go. "But you're so red~"

"Eugen... Please stop that." Akagi grumbles, starting to get angry.

"All right all right, I'll stop!" Eugen quickly says, not wanting to get razed by Akagi's planes.

"Good." Akagi replies. "Now what brings you three here? It's very rare to see you outside of your own territory like this." She asks with a sweeter voice.

"We are allies after all, we just wanted to pay a visit." Bismarck says. "See what's been going on since the whole attack."

"Well, I can assure you we're doing just swell." Shikikan chuckles. "Nothing to worry about here, Eagle Union ain't doing moot to us as of late." It's then that Tirpitz's stomach starts growling.

"Hm?" Tirpitz mumbles.

"Did you not eat?" Bismarck asks.

"You know I don't eat very much." Tirpitz replies.

"Still for someone of your build, doesn't seem too healthy for you." Shikikan says. "How about we get a little something for lunch?"

"I guess it wouldn't hurt." Bismarck replies. "What do you say?"

"I wouldn't mind." Tirpitz says. "Let's go."

"Lead the way Akagi." Shikikan replies as Akagi takes the group to the same place where Shikikan first ate out. "You certainly have a penchant for this place huh?"

"The food here is really good, so I'm not going to argue." Akagi giggles. When the group gets a table and enjoys their food though Akagi notices something off as Eugen stops flirting with Shikikan, but then Bismarck and Tirpitz seem to take her place as Shikikan looks a little uncomfortable- fidgeting in his seat and his hands moving under the table like he's trying to push something away. "...Shikikan? Are you okay?"

"Yeah... I'm good." Shikikan replies, but his voice is somewhat shaky and his cheeks are burning red. Bismarck and Tirpitz on the other hand only have as much as a slight smirk on their faces as they continue eating without a care in the world.

"You enjoying yourself over there?" Bismarck asks.

"Um... Yeah... Uh I mean no! I mean... Yeah..." Shikikan stumbles over his words, not sure how to tell Akagi and everyone else there that the beacon of the Ironblood and her sister were currently teasing him under the table with their feet.

"I'm not doing anything this time." Eugen says blatantly, and after a few more minutes the group leaves the eatery to walk around, Shikikan looking a little worse for wear than usual.

"I greatly enjoyed that." Tirpitz chuckles. "But we best be going."

"All right... I'll see you around I guess?" Shikikan says nervously as the Ironblood girls head off. Once they're out of sight Akagi and Shinano turn to Shikikan.

"What DID they do to you?" Akagi asks. "You've never looked that red before!"

"I'm not sure if I want to remember or forget..." Shikikan replies sheepishly.

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