Chapter 2: A Settled Mind

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Nagnami was very quick to open the doors to Shikikan's residence upon hearing knocking sounds. She did not expect to see Shinano accompanying Shikikan though...

"Wait... Shikikan... Is that?" Naganami cuts herself off.

"The dreamwaker, Shinano, I go by either name." Shinano says. "But yes, it is I. Your eyes are not playing tricks on you."

"Are you SURE they're not playing tricks on me?!" Naganami asks, starting to hyperventilate.

"I can assure you this is THE Shinano I'm with." Shikikan replies as Shinano spreads out her tails like a peacock before letting them fall loose and in floofable range.

"Hold up hold up HOLD UP! You're telling me THE Shinano is coming to stay with US?!" Naganami shouts.

"Keep it down will you? You're going to cause a scene." Shikikan asks.

"Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod! The dreamwaker herself is going to be under the same roof as me! Oh god what do I do?" Naganami continues motoring on. "Do I need to perform any special blessings? Do I need to spiritually cleanse the residence now? Oh god there's so much for me to do!"

"Please, calm down." Shinano says sheepishly, putting her hands up to try and calm down the hyperventilating destroyer, but it doesn't help.

"Where do I even begin?!" Naganami continues on, completely oblivious to the fact that she's going to pass out very soon. "I-I-I-I-Kyoooooonnnnnn..." And just like that Naganami loses herself and faints. She would have hit the ground with a very resounding smack had Shinano not caught her, and Shikikan sighs.

"She didn't have to go through all of that honestly..." Shikikan mumbles as he picks up the unconscious Naganami and sets her on her futon to recover while Shinano slips off her sandals and slowly takes in her new surroundings.

"This is where I'm going to be staying?" Shinano asks. "It looks very spacious."

"It is." Shikikan chuckles. "There's enough room for me to hone my swordsmanship if I wanted to."

"I could imagine." Shinano chuckles back. "And what is that over there?" She asks, pointing to a board.

"Oh that board?" Shikikan asks. "I crafted that myself. It's meant for a game of Dragon's chess."

"Is it like shogi?" Shinano asks back.

"Kind of?" Shikikan replies. "I played a couple of shogi games against Amagi but I do more Dragon's chess. They play somewhat similarly though judging from my experiences. If you'd like, I can teach you."

"I have only played shogi, never this unique game." Shinano says. "When we have the time I would enjoy learning how to play... Oh my..."

"Shinano?" Shikikan asks. "You okay?"

"Forgive me... My powers seem to be activating of their own accord..." Shinano replies. "They don't do this unless something dire is happening. The last time this happened was just before I got completely lost..." She mumbles, her eyes becoming heavy.

"Whoa, easy now Shinano. I don't want you to hit the ground and hurt yourself." Shikikan says, rushing by Shinano's side. "Here, Nagnami prepared a futon for you." He adds, carefully escorting the carrier.

"Please... You needn't do this for me." Shinano chuckles softly as lets Shikikan gently guide her around by her arm. By the time they reach her futon Shinano is all but ready to flop onto the ground and pass out right there. "But I do appreciate your kindness..." Shinano giggles as she makes herself comfortable on the futon, but just before Shikikan can walk away she grabs onto his leg.

"Hm?" Shikikan asks.

"You wouldn't mind... If you napped with me?" Shinano asks back. "Don't worry... In cases like this I'll only be out for an hour at most. I just miss the warm touch... That's all..." Shikikan looks at the unconscious Naganami, and then the sleepy Shinano, and then Naganami again until finally he chuckles.

"I guess it couldn't hurt." Shikikan chuckles. "My sleep schedule has been thrown out of whack for a little while as well." And with that he makes himself comfortable as Shinano gently hugs him like a body pillow. Shikikan's face inevitably ends up in her chest but he doesn't bother to struggle as Shinano has already fallen asleep, not intending to let him go. "Might as well catch up on the sleep I've been missing out on." And with that Shikikan himself lets his own tired body rest alongside Shinano, closing his eyes as Naganami slowly regains her senses.

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