Chapter 5: Sudden Strike

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Before Shikikan and company could retreat though, a smaller group of destroyers quickly blocks off their escape path. The humanoid of the bunch almost looks like a catgirl and she sports long white hair. She also looks like she's trying to hold her skirt down despite the fact there's no wind.

"It's not like I wanted to do this or anything!" She yells out. "But if it'll help my friends I'll do anything!"

"Nice one Hammann!" Enteprise calls out. "Now to really pound them in!"

"You got it!" Hammann calls out as she readies her torpedo tubes, aiming at Akagi, who's currently holding Shikikan.

"This isn't good... At all..." Akagi mumbles.

"Any last words, Akagi?" Enterprise laughs. "I've done it once, I'll do it again."

"Thank you!" San Diego calls out. "They really gave Nevada and Oklahoma quite the beating earlier so I was wondering when you'd come around!"

"All right enough funny business." Bremerton says as she aims her cannons at Kaga. "Let's see to it that these Sakura Empire idiots are done for."

"Not if I can help it!" A distant voice calls out.

"Who said that?" Enterprise asks, but she gets her answer as a saiun flies over their heads- with a fleet of bombers following just behind it! "Shit! Cover your heads everyone!"

"I won't let any harm come to my friends!" Shinano's voice can be heard more clearly as she charges forth alongside Amagi, Ayanami and Naganami.

"Ayanami, Naganami, get Shikikan out of this mess, quickly!" Amagi barks out. "Shinano, make sure that none of our friends get sunk."

"Right." Shinano replies as she sends out another wave of bombers. "Your fate is sealed!"

"Who is that?!" Hammann shouts, but she doesn't get to ask anything else as a swarm of butterflies transform into zeroes and begin razing the destroyer with machine gun fire. "Ow!"

"Naganami, quickly!" Ayanami calls out as she dashes for Akagi. "Cover me!"

"I got you!" Naganami shouts as she takes down the mass produced destroyers attempting to destroy Ayanami.

"I'll cover your escape!" Akagi says as she hands Shikikan over to Ayanami and the carrier sends out her planes to distract any that dare fire upon them. Meanwhile Shinano is absolutely trashing the Eagle Union, not having taken a single hit.

"Crap, we didn't expect a carrier like her to come out!" Enterprise says. "I don't even know who this girl is!"

"You don't need to know!" Shinano calls out. "What you will know is your victory will be all but a dream! Take this!" She shouts as she launches one last squadron. This time they are ryuusei torpedo bombers, and they wreak havoc on all they hit, sending San Diego and Bremerton flying and knocking Enterprise down onto one knee. Hammann on the other hand is sent somersaulting all the way to where Nevada and Oklahoma are recovering from their battle damages.

"Whoa! What in tarnation?!" Nevada shouts. "You all right there little 'un?!"

"Ow... That hurt... I hope nobody saw up my skirt!" Hammann whimpers as she finds herself unable to get back up.

"Who... No WHAT the hell are you?!" Enterprise shouts as she aims her bow at Shinano.

"Fine." Shinano grumbles. "Let the name Shinano grace your ears for the first and last time!" She shouts as she commands all bombers to target Enterprise, shooting down the last of the grey ghost's planes in the process.

"I don't think so!" San Diego shouts as she begins firing her AA guns like a madman, but there are too many for the light cruiser alone to shoot down and the bombs heavily cripple both the grey ghost and San Diego. "ARGH!"

"GAH!" Enterprise shouts as she struggles to stay on one knee. "Fine... You win..."

"Fall back! I repeat, fall back!" Bremerton shouts as the Eagle Union collects the wounded and retreats, leaving the Sakura Empire to retreat back home.

"That was close... You saved our butts back there." Shikikan chuckles as Shinano and Amagi sail alongside him.

"I had a strange dream fortelling of an event like this, but I wasn't aware that it'd get this serious." Shinano replies. "No need to thank me."

"Well I would have been a goner had it not been for you getting the others out here." Shikikan says. "Once we get back home, everyone get checked up by Akashi to make sure there's no wounded." Shikikan is quickly met with various nods in agreement as they reach Sakura Empire land.

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