Chapter 3: The Foretold

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It had only felt like a few minutes but Shikikan was slowly beginning to come out of his sleep an hour later as Naganami was gently shaking him to try and wake him up.

"Shikikan? Are you that tired?" Naganami asks in a soft and quiet voice. Shikikan begins to wonder why Naganami is speaking so quietly when he notices that Shinano hasn't quite woken up yet.

"I guess..." Shikikan replies just as quietly, and a few more minutes pass before Shinano comes to, having had a good nap. "You sleep well?"

"Mmmh..." Shinano mumbles as she slowly opens her eyes. "Shikikan... Did you rest well?"

"I did yes." Shikikan replies. "I have to say, thank you for the offer."

"I do have some urgent foretellings for you." Shinano says. "If you'll let me meet up with Akagi and Kaga, I can deliberate with them."

"...What are these foretellings that you have for us?" Shikikan asks.

"These fortellings that I speak of... They are very grim..." Shinano replies.

"Then say no more." Shikikan says. "Follow me, I will lead you to Akagi and Kaga." And with that he slowly helps Shinano back onto her feet before the two head out of the residence, leaving Naganami to tend to it once again. This time when they head out Ayanami is nearby and she notices the grim look on Shinano's face.

"Is something wrong?" Ayanami asks. "You don't look too happy."

"No... There is something very wrong..." Shinano replies. "I must speak to the 1st division right away."

"I am already leading her there." Shikikan says.

"Then I shall provide further escort." Ayanami says as she walks on Shinano's other side, sword at the ready. Once the three reach the shrine Akagi and Kaga are immediately at attention.

"Something wrong?" Kaga asks. "You don't look too happy."

"My powers suddenly activated on me." Shinano replies, and the entire shrine goes silent.

"Your powers... Activated of their own accord?" Akagi asks.

"They have not done this before... Not in a very long time." Shinano replies. "The only time they have done something like this was just before I vanished, thinking I'd never see a familiar face again..."

"Well... Why was Shikikan out then?" Kaga asks. The tension is somewhat loosened as Shinano turns to hide a blush, as does Shikikan.

"She um... Kind of... Had me nap with her." Shikikan says sheepishly.

"Yes... I may have had him nap with me..." Shinano confirms, and a vein pops up on Akagi's forehead without anyone noticing.

"You were napping with Shikikan?" Akagi asks in a unsettlingly serene voice.

"Um... Yes..." Shikikan replies. "But now is not the time for that kind of sidetracking." And with that Akagi calms down so she can take in the information that Shinano is about to hand off.

"Anyways my powers activated and I had a horrifying dream." Shinano says. "One that saw the Sakura Empire drowned in waves, cities buried in the vast ocean, but I did not see a cause."

"The Sakura Empire... Drowned in waves?" Akagi asks. "Surely you jest?"

"These dreams have not lied to me." Shinano replies. "They should not lie to you either."

"...Do we trust these words?" Akagi says to Kaga. "There is no way of showing them..."

"But she IS the dreamwaker... One should not doubt her powers." Kaga replies. "We do appreciate you bringing this to us though."

"I will do what I can to ensure the survival of the Sakura Empire." Shinano says.

"Is that all you wish to speak with us about?" Akagi asks, and Shinano only nods in response. "Then you are free to do what you please."

"Thank you." Shinano replies. "Shall we head back to your residence Shikikan?"

"Actually, Shikikan, come with us." Akagi says. "There is something that we need to cover."

"Of course." Shikikan replies as he bids Shinano farewell for the moment and heads down to the projector room with the 1st division. "What's been out of place?"

"We've been detecting more movement from the Eagle Union." Akagi says as she points out the movement of a large fleet towards the location of Royal Navy territory. "They must be trading stuff, weapons that they may use to become stronger. It seems like they're heavily defended."

"The Ironbloods aren't able to do anything?" Shikikan asks.

"It doesn't seem like it." Akagi replies. "Bismarck has contacted me saying she's all holed up with her own stuff so it's up to us."

"Are we attacking them?" Shikikan asks.

"Not so much attacking them- the combined forces of the eagles and the royals would surely wipe us out. Do you think you can send out a small scouting force to keep an eye on them?"

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