Prologue: A Rude Awakening

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"That blip has been sitting there for quite some time..." Shikikan mumbles as he and Takao look at the hologram projector's map. For the past few days the blip that had mysteriously shown up on the radar out of the blue had been staying there for quite some time without any signs of movement. It had befuddled Shikikan and Takao but they had been keeping an eye on it in case it did move.

"Do you want to go investigate it?" Takao asks.

"Yeah, I'll go and investigate." Shikikan replies. "I'm just concerned about what's going to be in the water."

"In that case you'll probably want to have a submarine accompany you as you head there." Takao says. "But who would be awake at this time of night?"

"Why, none other than me!" A voice calls out as someone walks into the projector room. She's well endowed for a sub and she has long red hair and matching color eyes. Her long white coat hides the fact she's wearing a swimsuit and she wears knee high socks paired with uwabaki. "What are you two babbling about?"

"Oh, I-19..." Shikikan says. "Are you going to accompany me?" He immediately begins regretting his decision, knowing how rambunctious I-19 could get, but before he can object the submarine immediately jumps up with joy.

"Of course!" She quickly replies as she pulls Shikikan along.

"Good luck!" Takao calls out as I-19 leads Shikikan to a patrol boat while she takes to the water.

"I saw everything in that room, are we looking at that weird blip that's been sitting there?" I-19 asks.

"Yep, pretty much, just make sure that there are no mines or whatnot." Shikikan replies, and the submarine gives a thumbs up as she dives down and Shikikan heads towards the location of the blip. As the two get closer though, it's very clear just what the blip was- resting on an island not even a half mile away from the Sakura Empire was something that Shikikan couldn't even begin to process. "No way... Could it possibly be?"

"Hm? What are you on about?" I-19 asks as she surfaces to see what's going on, and her eyes go wide as well. "Holy crap... I thought this was just the stuff of legends... It IS her! The dreamwaker!"

"Doesn't look like she's having too good of a dream though..." Shikikan mumbles as he notices that the dreamwaker is twisting and turning as if going through a nightmare. She sports long white hair and fox ears and she wears a mostly blue and black kimono paired with white stockings and butterfly themed sandals. Her nine tails have been used as a makeshift blanket and her eyes are squinted shut. "I think I'll let her wake up on her own accord."

"Nah, I don't want to wait around like that." I-19 says, and before Shikikan can reach the dreamwaker she gets on the island and pulls out one of those obnoxiously loud alarm clocks- the kinds that sound like fire alarms- and puts it next to the dreamwaker's ear.

"I-19, don't you-" Shikikan says it too late as the alarm clock goes off. The dreamwaker immediately wakes up from shock, but it also seems to wake up the entire Sakura Empire as a swarm of zeroes descends upon the three in response to I-19's practical joke. "Could this get any worse?"

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