Chapter nine

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", LEAVE! Before I lose my temper". She said. They scurried away, but with murmurs between them and head shakings.

"Should we tell her who pushed her?", a small teenage boy asked his mother, of which she responded by hitting the back of his head. "Are you stupid? Your sister cousin will be left homeless." She shook her head and dragged the boy with the ear.

Entering the house, they saw their daughter sitting on the sofa, holding the baby with deep sadness on her face. Tears falling in rivers. Their hearts clenched.

Seeing her parents she cried harder," M-m-mother . H-he , the ba-baby is not feedin-g. He is not eating. Help me p-please". Her speech incoherent as she cried.

Mother Lin went to her and rubbed her shoulder. Seeing the baby growing an increasingly pale colour she said in a hurry," Madam Ning, can you help me prepare a cup of luke warm water with sugar?".

Madam Ning stood up and did so in a hurry. And in a jiffy brought back the water. Then she said ", Ah Xining you drink the sugar water and force it into his throat."

Li Xining was appalled. But her eyes steeled with resolve. She stopped her tears, and she took the sugar water into her mouth and force fed the baby. The first small mouth full. the water was about to flow out. Madam Li closed his mouth with her hands. Then opened when the small mouth is opened.

Li Xining continued until it was finished. She looked at her son.

", My baby please, don't die. Mother will be very sad. I am sorry, I am so sorry. I promise, I will give you anything you want. Please don't die."

She saw that his colour was slowly coming back. The door burst open with a chill entered the room with the Doctor Xu.

He saw his in laws, but his wife and child were sitting there. Doctor Xu greeted everyone and went to the baby. He asked for the baby from Li Xining. She reluctant but Ning Xia Gua held her shoulder. She let go of the baby. Her eyes wandering.

Her eyes red.

Doctor Xu looked at the baby and sat down with him. Checking his pulse. He nodded gravely. She stood up, clutching her chest, she walked towards him, trembling. Her hair a mess she was still in her night dress, as she directly woke everyone up. And she did not care.

Her mother frowned at Ning Xia Gua. He took off his outer coat and placed it on her shoulders and covered her properly. They expected her to revolt against him, but she dd not.

The Doctor Xu stood up and gave the baby to Madam Li and said opening his bag," The baby is fine now, I think you gave him sugar?". He asked.

Madam Li nodded ", Yes. Because I work in town, I heard a doctor telling his patient that when a person is feeling weak and fatigued should be given sugar." She said nervously ", Was that bad?",

The Doctor Xu smiled. "That was good, it gave him the energy he needed. But h must not be. given sugar a lot as it will damage his liver."

They nodded. He took out three elixir's and said ", These are might not be helpful too much for the child. It will be better to buy honey for him and give him honey water in the mornings and evenings. It could also be because the mother's milk is not enough nutrition."

After saying that a silence descended in the room. She stepped back as though she was punched in the gut. Ning Xua Gua caught her. She looked up at him and said ", I am sorry. I did not misfeed him. I would never harm him intentionally. I promise. I woke up and saw he was an unhealthy colour then tried to feed him. I promise." She cried holding onto his lapels.

He nodded", I know, I know". He patted her head in comfort. Seeing her so distressed, his heart somewhat as twisted as it was healed. It was gratifying to know that she cared this much.

She went to her mother, she took the baby and seeing the colour improve she smiled tearfully. ", So, I have to feed him honey water so that he can have the energy. This will continue till when?". She asked.

"Till his body can absorb nutrients on its own. Also, some Ginkgo biloba could help but it is rare and expensive." He said to the young mother.

Her eyes lit up with expectation. "Really, how much? ". She asked. The Doctor sighed ", Around seven yuan. It is a lot of money". He said.

Everyone grew quiet. It was a lot of money to spend on just medicine.

She smiled ", Just that". She stated with a happy smile. Giving the baby to Ning Xia Gua. She ran to the room and came back with a small box. Ning Xia Gua's face grew awkward.

She opened it up, and all her jewellery she fought to own over the years being Lu Mei's friend was there. But she took three hair pins out.

They all recognised them. The yellow one, with a sunflower on it was from Xie Dong. She was so happy to receive it, but stupid her did not know, Lu Mei received a gold-plated ceramic one instead. The next one from Lu Mei, it was a polished sandal wood with a white orchid at the end. The final one, she bought after crying to her parents to buy it after knowing Xie Dong will give a girl a flower at the flower giving festival. It was not her by the way.

Altogether they cist around ten yuan. She valued them all before. Much more than the one Ning Xia Gua bought for her during the months of marriage. The other being the one her parents bought for her coming of age ceremony. From er parents pin alone could be nine yuan. And for Ning Xia Gua, he made a lot of sacrifices for his. It cost around twelve yuan. It would have made sense to everyone if she sold that one, now they looked at her with worry.

She said to her mother," Mother, you are knowledgeable with the market prices, right?". She, Madam Li nodded. She then said," You please sell these three pins for me. I have no use for them. Sell them and buy honey for little Yi and ask brother to find Doctor Xu to give money for the fee and medicines."

Madam Li nodded. Ning Xia Gua did not. "You don't have to sell your stuff. I have money to pay".

She smiled at him. Mainly pride ", no worries. I always wanted a way to sell them. Now this is good. You can keep your money to replenish the food stocks. They are awfully empty." She smiled at him.

As he wanted to say more Mr Li held his shoulder and shook his head slightly. Ning Xia Gua . swallowed his words.

Madam Li nodded. She then turned and handed three-yuan Doctor Fee to Doctor Xu who was really surprised at this turn of events. It seems Mrs Ning always had money. But what for? The thoughts of Doctor Xu resonated everyone's heart. And only one conclusion came. She was going to run.

Author's note




love y'all.

The farmer's virtuous wifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें