Chapter 25

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Ning Xia Gua froze. He dared not believe what was happening to him in front of his very eyes. He saw li Xining leaning over him , kissing him of her own initiative.  With her eyes closed ,her lashes trembling slightly. Her cheeks so pink you'd think blood would start falling from them with the slightest pinch.

He dared not breathe or move for fear that what he was experiencing was not real. Was one of his many illusions. His illusions if grandeur perhaps.

She pulled back. Her breath sprayed his face. Her lips parted into a smile. "You didn't breathe. Are you afraid or something?". He saw her tremble despite her confident smile and tone.

"No. I was shocked." He said baffled. He blinked.

She nodded. She said nothing ,but took the baby carefully from him and turned away from him to sleep.
She was angry .She thought she would give him some love but he just laid there like a block head. Why didn't he kiss her back. She was having rampart thoughts that her body which was rigid indicated clearly that she was not sleeping.

He thought about what he did wrong. Was it because she regretted kissing him. Did she remember that she always accused him of rape. He knows she forgot most things. Has didn't even know where the outhouse was.  But he noticed everything to do with Xie Dong and Lu Mei she remembered it. His eyes narrowed to slits.

He noticed her breathing evened out after a while. He leaned over and took the baby to between them then he kissed her on her cheery lips and laid down. He will think about what made her angry in the morning.

In a house by the edge of the city , a man and his ten year old daughter drank chicken soup and rice in the study. They were cheerful and laughing. But however the rest of the house was glum.

Concubine Si and Concubine Lu lost all favour to a ten year old girl whose mother was a maid. They were very angry.

But more so with what they were eating.

"Mother I can't believe father really meant that ten taels of silver to be used as our a ratuom for a year. That is unfair. That is hardly enough for a good pair of shoes. " Concubine Si's daughter said with a frown and her hand clenched on the table.

Concubine Si's  eyes darkened ",It must be his favoured daughters idea. I told you to hold his thigh". She said to her daughter drinking the thick gruel with as much etiquette as she could.

Concubine Si's daughter's nose wrinkled ",She is a maid's daughter , slaving away I in her blood. Look at me,when have my family members touched dirty water. " She said admiring her hand and frowning at the thin cocoon on her palms caused by small amount of working. Fortunately her mother took a silver coin and paid a woman to come once a week to clean for them for a year. Well they would have paid it for every day but they had no money.  They of course went out to buy clothes and howtorn candy, buns and all types of pastries. But their money ran out all too quickly. They simply thought that their Lord was only jesting,he would not let them go hungry, but he did. He told them they spent their money so they should make up for it.

Concubine Si had to bow her head and borrow from her maternal house , promising them her son will be an official of course. She was embarrassed by her sister in law's as she was always a proud peacock whenever she visited.  Seeing her so meek and tired was refreshing.

While Concubine Lu was very angry but thinking about what to do with that Lu Mei. The damn girl asked her for an infant killing poison. Last time she supplied an aphrodisiac that turned to poison when not satisfied that burns your body inside out called 'fires of passion'  because of its ability to burn your veins if you do not consummate. Some mother in law's use it as it is guaranteed that a person will be pregnant after it.

'Whose baby does she want to kill now? Is she still obsessed with that Li girl. I know she has a new born child , but poison. 'she looked up as if she figured out something.

"She wants to kill her baby. Lu Mei wants to kill Li Xining's child. " She gasped holding her lips.
"What did she do so much to offend that dead girl". She shook her head.

A shadow passed by her window. She looked at it and guessed it was the window.  She wouldn't be helping that girl if she hasn't told her that to acquire it she must use fifteen taels of silver. She wants to save money and move to the capital and have a fresh start for her daughter so she can marry an upper merchant at most.  She sighed.

Master Jian was in another inn waiting for morning to continue his trip home.

A bird's flapping was heard. His Butler went to it and took the bird in his arms and said to his master after reading it ",Master it seems the troublesome person is Concubine Lu. She is the one who supplied the Fire of passion nd now Lu Mei asked for.." he paused.

Master Jian looked up ," What?". His brows furrowed. Butler was not a shy person.

"She wants an infant killing poison. Lu Mei intent to kill the new born young master. And according to the report of Dark knight earlier today Lu Mei wants to have Ning Xia Gua to herself since she saw that Ning Xia Gua is a son of a rich man. " He said.

Master Ning sighed then said through gritted teeth",Some people are too tired to live. They need me to send to the grave. " He then looked at Butler "Create an accident at her in laws house. Make it seem like she is the suspect. No one must die." He said seriously.

Butler nodded ",I will let dark knight to handle it. " He bowed.

"Also let Frozen Ruby to be in charge of guarding Xiao Feng and his mother. And any of her family members if there is need. But the two mother's and son are her priority. " He added .

Butler nodded. Master Tian dismissed him.

Ning Jian was listening to his father's command silently then he said ",She wanted to push them together , thinking she has bested sister Li by marrying a scholar. Unexpectedly brother turned out to be a blue blood so now she wants to suck his blood. Father so you think antagonisisng her wouldn't result in her corned and more likely to lash out." He asked coming out of the shadows.

Master Jian just gave him a glance and refused to answer him. Ning Tian smiled and shook his head ",Women are most dangerous when jealous and there is a child involved. Don't let the tragic thing occur again. " Then he left.

Master Ning looked away , in his mind he sees not his table and bed. He sees her gentle face and willow eyebrows. He disappointed her. He had he killed. Now someone wants to kill the grandchild. How could he allow it. He will make his son forgive him one way or another.

While in a cold empty courtyard , a woman sat looking at the door with an eager look.

The door opened , she stood up with a smile ",The Master-". She stopped her gentle voice and voice. It was her mother In law.
She rolled her eyes ",What do you want ? Old hag". She said .

The old hag , Master Ning's mother smiled.  " I won't bother with you. Anyways the true heir has been found. Your reign is quiet and abuse are finished. " She gloated.

"Old lady all of your grandchildren I here or school. Why are you being a ghost to my house?.". She asked now drinking tea.

"Ning Xia Gua my grandchild. " She gloated.

A tea cup broke.

Author note



Love you all. Sorry for being not on time. Love you all. Thanks for the follow. Welcome to my book.  And thank you all my lovely fans.

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