Chapter 17

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In the inn the shadow darted into the room.
"Master ". He kneld on the floor.
The man on the chair raised a hands and said ", Proceed".

"Young master Ning's wife was actually plotted against most of her life by a miss Luo Mei. Her family are landlords in the city."

Master Ning said ",For which family ?". He asked.

" The Luo family daughter married as a concubine to the landlords and her cousin is Luo Mei. The reason she became concubine she was a governess first. Then climbed the master's bed. The Luo Mei married the man Li Xining wanted to marry a scholar Xie Dong. She tried to have him drugged ,but she was drugged instead. She was supposed to be ruined by wild man said to be passing by the valley , but young master happens to be there. He helped her and took her home the next day and confessed his crime. He was beaten black and blue by her brother's but not too much. As they are very close to him and secretly happy he is the one their child would marry . Their marriage was not harmnoii but she was spoiled with dresses and food. What ever he could afford he bought for her. And on her eighth month of pregnancy ,she went to the wedding of Xie Dong And Luo Mei. She was going to leave peacefully when her sister in law's cousin tripped her. Almost causing a miscarriage. The child apparently died three times. That is all master. " He said.
" Collect evidence from Luo Mei and Xie Dong. They are village people ,use as much money as you want for the witness. The true ones.  And watch that girl Luo Mei. He characteristics,show that she won't stop. " He said.

"Yes master. I will create a mess for her to deal with so she can leave the young master and miss alone. "
"Good. " Then he said "Butler , I leave you to deal with the landlords family. I don't want to see it in this city anymore. " He said to his trustee.

"Yes sir. " Then he signalled them to go away. Signalling one last shadow he instructed ", Keep an eye on my son and his family. I way to know." He said.
Then shadow left.

"Ning Jian ?". He called. The young man stood from the wall.
"What are you doing father. Should mother or my maternal family find out ,he will be in danger". He said with concern.

"I know. Which is why you mustn't tell your wife. She is a snake ". He said resolutely.
"I know father ". He bowed his head. Then said ",Do you think big brother will come back to us?". He asked.

"Why afraid of your inheritance being taken ?". Master Ning gave him a severe gaze. He tripped while going back and denying it". No how could I. I am just asking after how we treated him ,would he be willing to come?". He asked.

"Don't worry. I have a way. " Mater Ning dismissed him with a hand.
He left. Finding his wife peeping .he took her by the hand and threw her to the room.
"Are you stupid. He knows you are a spy for my mom."he said.

She shook her head at him in disgust and left to the lavitory. What a pretty picture they show the world , but they are in a toxic relationship bound by a child.

He sighed looking at his son. His wife is exactly like his mother. Greed driven. And vicious. His siblings are also dying one by one. It is his mother and his wife. As his mother is closed off in the cold palace. His father should've killed her. And he should've married Nina. He sighed.

At the house , Madam Huo fed her soup and left afterwards. She was stuffed full and she felt uncomfortable. Then she realised she hasn't gone to do number two in days,in fact since she got here. She was embarassed.

Flushing she laid the child carefully on the bed. Seeing him with his pursed lips and Lucious hair. She smiled a bit. Then she stood. She felt blood rush to her brain then her legs ,her legs felt as though they were not her own. She wobbled . Ning Xia Gua who entered caught her carefully.

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