Chapter 49

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Song Xinhua sat on the garden looking at the rapidly developing village and smiled but her eyes were sad.

She really missed her mother. Her mother's belly must be very big . She has only seen the concubines pregnant. Acting delicate all day long. Crying pain here and there even when the belly was not visible. Her father would go around looking for medication for them. While her mother looked on with a smile that was not a smile. It never reached her eyes. Yet her father always believed her mother was happy.

"She will never be truly happy. You can't keep her away forever". Said the maid.
"Just for a few years. Let her be completely accustomed to having me around and she will never abandon me. "Said the young man with heterochromatic eyes.

"You are treating her like your father treated me. A private possession ".
"I am nothing like him!". He scowled and his eyebrows furrowed.
"Are you?". She looked at her son and sighed and turned and left. He stood there watching the little girl with beautiful eyes and features. Though she was small she was the most beautiful thing he ever saw. He is almost sixteen now. And she is almost  thirteen after the new year.  Still too small. He sighed. He has to wait for her to be fifteen before he marries her as his wife. She won't run.

He is not his father. His father is foolish. Why? Because be and his mother managed to run away. He won't be that foolish.

Song Xin Hua felt his gaze. Turning around and seeing him ,she smiled and her eyes curved . So red and pitiful from crying. Her nose red. His heart race increased and then he felt it. His nose fishy and coppery. Looking down he saw blood dripping to his hands.

He had a nosebleed. He is standing in the sun too much.

Song Xin Hua was shocked and stood up and ran to  him. Her skirt like butterfly fairy. His blood gushed. Yes it's definitely the sun.

Mrs Song belly trembled with every step. A guard came in ",Madam ,the eldest young lady is settled in a house in town and with the help of Master Song she now has a female  household account. "

"That's good I guess. Did the really let her leave with their spawn?". She asked.

"Young miss...well she said the child doesn't belong to her husband. But to his guard. THE guard also confessed and they tried to kill him ,young miss saved him. Now they love together with young miss. " He said.

She raised her eyebrows.
"She must really hate her husband to decide to carry the name of infamy and bad reputation. I guess she didn't think about her child would do in the future?". She asked.
"Master Song said she will transfer her account to the capital and she will live there with the child, or atleast the provincial capital". He bowed and said.

"Alright. She is about to give birth. Get more midwives to go  to her. I will pay. ".
"Yes madam. " Bowing. Turning to leave.

"Also,any news on Xiaohua?". She asked quietly looking away.

"None madam. ".

"You are excused. " Holding a pink rose. They were Xinhua's favorites. The door opened and closed. She thought be guard left but was surprised by a voice near her saying ",I take it you know about Bao'er?".

"This is not your house Master Song". She said after a moment's shock.

"Sorry". He bowed slightly to her in greeting.

"What can I do for you?". She asked turning around. Her hands clenched on the rose. The thorns bore into her skin. Making her more awake. To not fall for this silly dream.

"Nothing. Just came to check on you. " He said looking at his wife's frame. The white hairs mixed on with the black. He never realised how much older than his concubines she looked. And yet they were not too far apart in age. He really sinned.

"Now you saw me. Please leave. " She said turning to him and rise a brow provocatively.

"Please , let me just sit with you for a while". With a pleading voice.

She said nothing. Took her embroidery basket and got ready.  She made an embroidered cover over the soles. The size just right for little Xinhua.

Master Song looked down. He is such a sinner in life. While they sat in silence for two hours,he realised his concubines never shut up. And the entire time they will speak ,either make themselves look good or more pitiful. Either paint bad images of his wife or degrade his wife to nothing. Speak. Of his sons and nothing of his daughters.  At that time he would be eating meat and wine. His sons meat and wine. But he seldom saw what his wife ate.

According to his Butler she and the two girls solely survived on her dowry. He doesn't even remember when he stopped giving access to his money to his wife. His slightly thin face with folds grew more creased.

Like they always say it's rare for a man to wake up and treat his wife well by the time he reached forty five. Most men never wake up. And they end up old ,alone ,no money ,no prospects and all the women and children (Non-biological) that you were supporting are no where to be found. Then you will go to your son's and daughters who were maltreated by yourself and overlord them on the basis of filial piety.

People at that time only see the pitiful oldman with ragged clothes ,thin and weak with no idea that such thinness is caused by being hollowed out by women.  And they see the man's children successful and say yes when you are reaching heaven you forget your roots. Not knowing what he did back in the day. So people must not always judge others on what you yourself find absurd or hateful.

So while he was in a deep introspection Mrs Song was scolding herself in her heart for being too soft. If she had killed this baby in her stomach,there wouldn't be a Mr Song who came to bother her every two days. Darn Oldman. It seems it time for her to see other man. She should consider remarriage like her mother said. Maybe this time around she won't be as pitiful.

Meanwhile in the village , Lu Mei sees her belly growing like a balloon but also sees her mother in law everyday looking to see if it's pointed or rounded. She was growing irritable by the minute. While Xie Doing just buried himself in books. Just like her aunt told her. You must not let man get it too easily. Now he is bored with her. But at that time he was very exited to go out to the fields to do that every day when she was sixteen. Now that they are nineteen and married and expecting a child he is no longer interested in her. She looks at her fat face , stretch marks on her belly due to the various soups his mother made. Can she not be far. But each time she said ",You are too thin. Don't starve my grandson!". And gave her an extra meat piece.

When had she gotten such a testament , at home she had to flatter her grandparents to get such treatment. But she also knew what her aunt said , a woman can only depend on her man. If she gets fat and stretch marks she won't be able to snag Ning Xia Gua. So she had to keep beautiful frail and small.

She will be a lady of the Ning father's house. Li Xining will always now before her. Always.

She stood up and went to her room. Held the abortion medication and looked at her belly.

"I wonder ..."

Author's note

Love you all , Aurriccah

08/05/2024 8:34 +2GMT.

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