Chapter 41

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Master Song heard Master Ning's subordinate when he reported that their Young master has yet to see Song Xinhua. And his heart broke.

How can he explain to Madame Song where she went. He was in distress. He thanked Master Ning and even for his help to send some of his shadow guards to investigate.

His day became gloomy. He didn't know when he stared loving the little girl ,but he does.

Meanwhile ,Song Xinhua was  captured by four men and thrown into a cell full of people. Men ,women and children alike.
'Human trafficking'.

She was  terrified. She was shivering with fear. She regretted running away. Even if they didn't like her anymore , she was safe.

She saw a boy and a woman in the corner away from everyone. The boy was bony and sick ,his eyes closed. She went to them and said to the woman ",Aunt is he alright?". She asked.

The older woman looked at the youngest victim. She is obviously better than everyone in the cell. With white skin and cheery lips. With beautiful clothes. She is a lady at a glance. Why is she in the cell , it could be some vicious family member.

And it was true. As soon as she left the Qin manor , she was seen by concubine Lu. She is now short of extra money. And her spy , well more like an information seller told her old madam song is pregnant. The fastest way to get rid of the pregnancy of an old woman is stress. Plus she needed the money so she sold Song Xinhua. She is a slave's child anyway. With no psychology burden.

",He is just hungry and thirsty. ". She cried. "He let me eat. And didn't eat himself for three days." She cried bitterly. Her heart in pain.

Song Xinhua gasped. Didn't eat for three days. Then she remembered when she was young and madame song would visit home ,concubine Lu or Si would lock her up in the a central hall for days at the time with one. Bottle of water and bread. The would keep her away so she can't report some things to madame Song. Sometimes they would forget about her and a kind servant would rescue her after remembering. Eventually she hid in her room when she knew her mother was leaving and she'd make sure they can't find her until her mother comes. Taking food from the kitchen and hiding in plain site. Remembering all this she realised how spoiled she was these past few months that she forgot suffering that she dates act spoiled and unreasonable. She is just a concubine born child. She has no rights at all.

She took out a bun from her hands and broke it into pieces and gave the numb young man. He licked his lips unconsciously. The fragrant smell spread through the tiny packed room. They looked and wanted to ask but remembered the young man's sacrifice and they kept quiet.

Then she took off her hanging bag and took out the food she was carrying. All sorts of snacks she bought to cure her sadness. She shared with everyone. It was three woman ,one middle aged and two around fourteen. Delicate beauties though poor. An older man and older woman , obviously a couple and few children. All in all around fifteen people on a nine by nine metre space. Quiet cramped.

The toffees, the chocolates the rice cakes ,the osmonteas cakes and steam buns. She realised she only had food. Her clothing bag fell when she was running. She sighed. Lucky her money bag is in her underwear tied to her waist.

Seeing everyone eating well she smiled.

A row hours later the boy stirred. He felt fuller than normal. His tongue tingled with the taste and after taste of meat. He fluttered his eyes open. Looking at the roof he knew that they were still captured. He looked to the side and saw a beautiful girl whose eyes were wide at his awakening.

"Are you alright?". She asked him.  Now that sje saw him ,he had heterochromatic eyes. A light brown eye and green eye. Very beautiful eyes ,but with a solemn face and thin lips. He looked scary in a way. Too serious. But she had seen Ning Jinfeng with more ethereal looks so he looked kind of normal to her.

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