Chapter 20

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Her parents saw her eyes that seemed glued to wherever Ning Xia Gua went. He was really dispirited. Her furrowed brows showing her concern made them smirk at each other despite the obvious unflattering situation of his father visiting.

Grandpa Huo was the most shaken. When he heard from the village biggest Gossip monger he took his wife and let go of his past inhibitions and grudge and went to his granddaughter.  Seeing that Ning Xia Gua's father was showing the necessary remorse he let go of the stone in his heart. But as for the immortal healer ,they rather not. Why if he was acting and the doctor killed the child. To him the link between Li Xining and Ning Xia Gua had always been the child.

Li Xining stood up as the adults seemed as though they had forgotten her. She quietly went to her room.

She did not know she was closely monitored by them all them the entire time.  They shook their heads with a smirk.

"I happen to have a lovely tree shade at the back. How about I treat you all to a sweet rose wine ning Xia Gua bought for the wedding but never got around to drinking it since you know she was pregnant". Grandma Ning said.

Father Li shook his head in disapproval. Everyone else nodded. "Its so early in the day-". His wife smacked him on the back making him lean forward.
"Are you an idiot!". Then she gestured to Li Xining's room.

His eyes widened",But she is not out of confinement yet. She just gave birth three days ago and -".

It rang loud and clear. She smacked his face.

"You are an idiot. Obviously Ning Xia Gua is not a wolf and a kid is there how could he do that! I mean it is now time for her to remove any and all standing aversions he may have against her. So that when she does get better ,we can have white pretty granddaughters without having to use a drug for it. "
"Ow!". He frowned. " But she is my daughter you know-".

As always he hadn't finished when she snapped ",Yes yes we all know how capable you are for that daughter of yours. Yoy should've worked harder I would have given you more daughters. But right now let's leave from here". She hissed digging her nails into his arm.

His face showed nothing of his pain. Showing he was used to it or he was a sadist.

Her parents frowned at her display of abuse. They always knew she wore the pants,but it seemed the abuse escalated again .

But since he said nothing they will do nothing.  Madam Ning laughed at their thearatics.

They left to sit outside on wooden benches he made.

Li Xining stood behind Ning Xia Gua who was staring at the baby who was breathing deeply but was healthy for the moment. Her eyes became teary just looking. How hard he must be suffering. The brave boy.

"Do you think I did the right thing? Refusing his medical help. Do you think I did the right thing?." He asked as if he knew she was behind him all along.

She drew in a breath her heart beating fast. She stood right behind him ,her hands twitching. She felt pain in her abdomen as she bent to his seated height but persisted. She placed her around him through his armpits. Resting her small head on his neck.

Inhaling his musky musculine scent of sweat and dusty and blood,he must have been hunting.

She said quietly ",You are Lord ,my lord my husband ,my sky. Whatever decision you make you make it with me and your son's best interests at heart right?". She asked him into his ear.

He felt her warm air brushing his sensitive ears. She felt especially loud in the quiet atmosphere. He shook his head clearing it ",I mean the doctor offers would have helped ". He stated. But his furrowed brows shows how much he approved of that decision. Not.

The farmer's virtuous wifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora