Chapter 31

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"Sew his wound as in a cloth?". Asked Grandma Huo in shock.

"Yes. It is too deep if it is left it looked will keep on opening since he doesn't understand the meaning of staying still. " She rolled he eyes.

Then went to Ning Xia Gua and pulled his ear", You! Do you want to make me a widow this young? Do you think anyone else will marry me with my virtues? Hey are you stupid we weren't going hungry were we , so why tempt death!." She was really angry with him.

She took the heated needle and started sewing carefully on his neck. She pulled the loose skin and stitched it so as to not stitch veins. They were all terribly nervous.

One wrong move he could die. Grandma Ning furiously kneaded her Buddha beans and chanting the suntra under her breath.

His ghostly mother kept watch to see if his soul is detaching.

The little baby looked at his floating Grandma and laughed. She is his closest companion ,all day everyday with him.

Madam Li had her eyes focused on Li Xining asking herself if this person is really her daughter.

After stitching his neck and dabbing with alcohol he covered the area with a clean cloth and tied it. Then worked on his hands. Applied salve on his scratches that cannot be stitched. Then she tackled the long one on his arm. She stitched slowly but steadily. Though her body was trembling her hands and face were calm. Just the red eyes.

After bandaging it she choked ",You are an idiot". Her tears fell one by one ,crystal clear. Then she turned and left the house.

He was shocked. Then stood up to run after her.

"No. Let her go. She doesn't want to see you at this time". Said Madam Li holding his arm.

"B-but she -". He started. Hia face full of anxiety.
"Don't worry. She will be back soon. Her child is here afterall. And I dare say ,her husband is here too". She smiled.

"What do you mean? Why are you smiling at me?". He asked confused.

Master Li said standing up to go to work",She means congratulations. You have won the heart of Li Xining. If she didn't like you , she wouldn't have cared about your life and death situation. But still ,if you dare to die before her , believe me I ran your hide and kill you myself". Master Li said in a rare serious face.

Ning Xia Gua nodded , hurriedly.
"Mother can you do me a favour?". He asked madam Li.

She rolled her eyes,like the true tycoon she thinks she is ,she lifted her gold bangles hand with rings and said to him ",You want me to see your tiger for you don't you?". She was amused.

"Yes. ". He nodded.

She sighed ",Fine. Give your brother in laws the instructions." She held his hair and sighed emotionally ",You scared me today. I would have really been sad if anything happened to you. Of course I would be very angry you made my daughter a widow. But I would be sad to lose you such a filial person. So yes ,you are not allowed to hunt such animals again do you hear ?". She asked .

"It attacked me-". He started.
"Don't play jokes with me boy ,you have been hunting since you were five. You have dodged the tiger for so many years. I know you went purposefully to it". She said straightforwardly. He blushed.

Li Xining walked around the village with wide eyes. It was crude and crude bit beautiful. There was grass everywhere. Mostly cause grass does not need to be too delicately tended to even in her yard it grows. The house were different from her husband's house. They were square bricks and mud houses ,thatch roof and tiles. But each had the same style which was that each room lead to the courtyard and they had a courtyard wall. Everyone had a small goat , a chicken , a donkey and some ducks. All these animals ,she frowned ,why isnt there any in her house.  She saw that she reached the end of the village ,getting on the forked road she approached her grandparents house. Seeing the fruits she was instantly happy. She skipped to them and took a strawberry and ate it directly. She took a peach and ate it. Though it looked old. As the winter is approaching,only the hardy citrous fruits remained. The spring fruits were all becoming rotten and the leaves wilting. It was a beautiful wonderland.  She is going to be happy in this life.

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