4: The Sleepover PT 1-Sophie

Start from the beginning

     Sophie frowned. "That's...a lot of people."

"Well, it's who we usually have over! How is it any different now than the 300 other times?"

Biana didn't understand! She had got her list, and she had only wanted to talk about it with Biana. Maybe Biana and Linh. She didn't want the whole group to know who she had gotten!

"Whoa, Foster, what's up with all of those emotions? Your brain feels like it just threw up. Way to make sure I never fall asleep again! That brain-hurl will be in my nightmares forever." Keefe smirked as he appeared behind her.

Sophie mustered up all her energy, and did the most epic eye roll ever. "Keefe, can you dial down the 'empath power' just a bit?"

"Someone's cranky...what side of the bed did you wake up on?" Keefe retorted.

Biana snickered. "Be right back guys, I've gotta go pop some popcorn for the drama movie I'm about to witness."

Sophie watched Biana disappear into her house, then said, "Keefe, you wanna know why 'my brain was barfing'?"

"Yeah. And I have something to tell you too, Sophie."

"Ooooh, this must be big, you said my first name!"

"Haha. Now it's my turn to eye roll. But seriously."

"On three, we say it at the same time?" Sophie said.

"Okay. 3..."



"ShxicbsbfjdjsbifjdbfjfhrbdbfnfndnMATCHMAKINGdjxhxnsjfbfndndndLISTfjjdbdnfndbdbIGOTMYdjffjdbb..." they said. To Sophie, all she heard was gibberish.

"Maybe you should go, and I'll listen." Sophie suggested.

"Okay. I...got my list today. It appeared on my front step. And...I looked at it. My #1, she is..."

Keefe was cut off by Biana, yelling, "OKAY, I'M BACK! AND I GOT THE POPCORN!"

"Biana, that was the WORST TIMING EVER!"

"Oh no! What did I miss? Some juicy stuff?"

Sophie rolled her eyes again. Surprisingly, those things called eyes really came in handy. Sophie looked at Keefe, and he gave a subtle nod, saying, "You didn't miss anything, I was just playing Make Foster Blush."

What was it you were going to say before Biana came? Sophie transmitted to Keefe.

He gave her yet another very subtle signal, letting her know she could enter his mind.

Well, my #1. She's...she's...

"I know you two are having a conversation without me."

My gosh. Biana had the worst timing ever. Sophie really wanted to know who his #1 was! And...as much as she hated to admit it...she hoped it was her.

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