11: Peace & Quiet.

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I giggled to the cold feeling of Skeppy's nose pressed to my neck, feeling the euphoretic shiver that went down my spine. We had long since retired to an upstairs room, hiding away from craze that has developed downstairs. Even through our loopy laughter and cans in hand, we'd both prefer the simple comfort of our own company over the rave going on below us.

"You smell like chlorine." Zak muttered into my skin, causing me to fall into another fit of giggles. I've always been a light-weight, so falling into such an incoherent state after a mere 2 to 3 drinks wasn't strange.

"Mm, you smell vike muffibs." Zak smiled into my neck, peppering small kisses that made me feel giddy. He eventually pulled away, causing me too whine at the displeasing coldness from where he once was. "Whaaaaat, come baaaaack." I stuck my tongue out, blowing a small raspberry.

"You're dumb." He chuckled, standing up from the bed we had been cuddling in. "C'mon, get up, you're too loopy." He reached around my torso, pulling me up so I fell comfortably against his chest.

"Awww, why? I fought bou wanty to be wif me." I frowned, feeling the tears already beginning to pool. Being overly sensitive has its perks in getting what you want. Upon hearing my sniffles, Zak pulled back with a slight worried look before pressing a pair of warm lips into my forehead.

"C'mon baby, I do want to be with you, but not when you can barely make your own thoughts." He cupped his hands around my cheeks, wiping at the tears that had already begun to slip down. Even through the bickering I wanted to throw out, the quiet, coherent part of me knew he was right. It wasn't often I'd drink so openly, but when I did, Zak always knew there might be some secret meaning behind it. The worried look in his eyes was enough to cause my head to start spinning and the weeping to begin. He wrapped his arms around me, shushing me and rubbing circles in my back. "Hey, hey, it's okay. We can go head back to your dorm, okay? I can even make you some hot chocolate, I have some leftover packets."

I nodded solemnly into his shirt and pulled back, allowing him to bring an arm under my own and walk me from the room, still continuing to say sweet nothings and rub at my side comfortingly.

It took a few minutes of dodging and weaving through the crowd, which seemed to be filled with Techno's fraternity and whoever those people decided to invite, which seemed to be ever growing. Once they reached the front door, I whimpered and pulled closer into Zak's side at the chill of night gave us.

Upon stepping onto the porch, I noticed two figures sitting against the wall, too blurred through the tears to really make out who it was.

"Darryl? Woah, what happened?" I vaguely registered the British accent, still moping into my boyfriend's sleeve. 

"I'm not sure, but I know something's wrong. Can you help me get him back to your dorm?" I heard a hum before another set of arms wrapped around me, embracing the warmth through my aching head.

"Mm, no, keep haffin fun.." I attempted to pull myself away, only to be met with resistance.

"Nope, we're gonna enjoy the peace and quiet of your dorm instead." Zak said, beginning to move. I was able to register another set of footsteps before another voice spoke up from behind.

"You need help? I could use an excuse to get out of here, anyways." I couldn't quite register their tone, but it wasn't hard to find the familiarity in it. The British one gave a hum of confirmation before we began walking out into the night once more.

It took about 20 minutes, or more like an hour on my mind's schedule, to reach the dorm. By then, I was able to comprehend mostly everything, understanding that I was with Zak, George, and Clay, and also earning a headache which made me feel dizzy.

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