10: Nightdreamin'

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The adrenaline was long gone now, being replaced with the strong grip of dread deep in my stomach. Or was it simple nerves? I couldn't tell the difference, only understanding that there was a presence that I very much wanted to lean into only inches from my reach.

Ever since our meeting at the library, as childish as it may be, I've been thinking about him constantly, thinking of the light brushes of his arm, the caring, considerate look in his eyes which almost managed to smooth over my anxiety. He had a magic to him, even as someone I barely knew anything about. And, during our conversations -- which I will admit, got me so jumpy Darryl was concerned -- I may or may not have slipped a few compliments out of feeling unbearably overwhelmed by the built up feelings for this boy.

I was so deep in my own thoughts that I hadn't realized the car stop, a light brush across my hand causing me to flinch backwards, snapping my head up in surprise. Clay chuckled sweetly, gesturing for us to get out.

I looked around in confusion, only seeing a rocky cliff from wherever we were parked. I turned to the backseat, seeing that Clay was grabbing a bundle of soft things, pillows and fluffy blankets. "Come on out, luckily it isn't too cold tonight."

I followed hesitantly, seeing how we were in a truck, the back being decorated with the comfortable fabrics. I was more confused then nervous at this point, barely understanding when he pat beside him, hopping to get comfortable.

I slid in, keeping myself a fair distance to avoid falling into gay panic, when I finally had the guts to ask a question. "Um, what are we doing here?"

He smiled, leaning back on a larger pillow, one arm tucking behind his head while the other gestured out before us. "See for yourself."

I turned, curiosity getting the best of me. I was met with a cliff view, but not the typical looking-out-over-concrete type. It almost looked like the night sky, yet multicolored and even more breathtaking. My breath hitched, leaning forwards slightly. The town connected to our college had never seemed so pretty. It was never the nicest or richest, so being able to enjoy this simple beauty was dazzling.

"Do you like it?" I snapped back, realizing that Clay was still beside me, something swimming inside them. If I were standing, I was sure that my legs might have just given out on me. He hummed slightly, urging for a response.

"U-um, it's pretty..?" I truly meant it, genuinely, but it slipped out more as a question. His face dropped into more of a frown, his eyebrow furrowing slightly as I realized my mistake, quickly fumbling for words. "Wai- no! It really is pretty! I swear -- I really like it!" I began bantering on, not really controlling the words as their came up, pouring out. 

Clay simply laughed in return, holding up a hand. "Stop, stop, I get it." He used his little touch of magic to sit me back, not realizing I'd sat up. I immediately fell back, shutting my mouth in surprise. It earned a wheeze from the younger man beside me. "Your expressions are priceless sometimes."

I sat back with a smile, feeling a strong sense of comfort just being here. My eyes shifted back to the scenery before us as we relaxed in the bed of the truck. We sat in an easy silence before a thought came to mind. "So, um, why'd you bring me here?"

I turned to look at him. "You seemed pretty unhappy hanging out with the others." I could hear the unease in his voice. "Sorry, I'd assumed it would be more of a chill gathering with the guys that were closer, but then I realized pretty much the entire team was invited."

"Who's fraternity is it, anyways? And, like, how do they manage to get it free so often?" Clay chuckled.

"It's Techno's, he's one of the seniors this year. His entire fraternity are party animals, almost every weekend they've gone off to a new gig being held. Thankfully, he isn't as crazy, even if he is pretty dumb with alcohol." He laughed, which caused me to give a small giggle in return. I fell silent, a small smile staying on my face as I stared at my hands.

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