16: Game Plan.

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Sitting in class was torture, especially when my mind was constantly fighting against me to stay focused on the lesson. I began to bite onto the end of my pencil, trying to find something to steady my sweating hands.

Last night, for as much as I'd enjoyed it, was still taking its sweet time to catch up into my mind. It honestly felt like a complete dream, and I wouldn't lie that I had pinched myself a few times throughout the night just to make sure. I guess that's why they called him Dream. Fitting.

Darryl peeked over at my fidgeting, taking little notes on how I continued moving in my seat, changing the position of my arms, hesitating it scribble notes onto my paper. His eyebrows quirked in slightly as he turned to his email, sending a quick G-chat.


Darryl Noveschosch
Active now

You okay?
Darryl - Oct 23, 9:48 AM

Duh? Why wouldn't I be?
Oct 23, 9:50 AM

You're just moving weirdly.
Do you have poison ivy or something?
Darryl - Oct 23, 9:50 AM

No, Darryl. I do not have poison ivy.
Just stressed, ig.

Oct 23, 9:51 AM

Ok, just let me know if you need anything. :)

Darryl - Oct 23, 9:51 AM

Sure thing.
Maybe I'll have you scratch my ass for me.
Oct 23, 9:51 AM

Darryl - Oct 23, 9:51 AM

─=≡Σᕕ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ
Oct 23, 9:52 AM


I found myself checking my phone much more often throughout the day, feeling the same ping of disappointment each time there wasn't a new notification. I didn't quite know what to expect, he was either dealing with Karens at the café or in the middle of whatever class he might have.

My mind continuously flashed back to quick snip-its that my brain had captures, releasing the rest into a crazy blur of movement and emotions.

For a first kiss, it was quite something.

I hadn't realized my arms were tight around myself until I felt the feeling in my fingers begin to go numb from squeezing and the temperature.

As of now, without my glasses, the dull yellows and browns of leaves had begun to wither and fall, leaving more bareness in its wake.

After another look at my screen I grumbled to myself, flipping my backpack around so I could fit it into the front pocket. I just needed to keep it out of my reach. Now, instead of keeping myself high on last night's energy, I thought to the next upcoming event. 

This week was bound to be hectic, the meet I had to attend tomorrow along with this Halloween thing that was apparently SUCH a big deal. I didn't want to let my friends down by not going, though. It's the least I could do to keep them around.

Honestly, now that I think about it, this is the most I've ever really talked to anyone outside my family, and even with them I was always more of a recluse. But, they didn't need to know. I didn't want their pity.

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