2: Sweet Tea.

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Post class was always a refreshing feeling, walking out of the building to be greeted with the cool sun of noon. This began the second phase of my daily schedule, and personally, my favorite part. Sure, visiting the local café was typically a strange thing to do around this time, as it was normally teeming with college students in the morning, but that's the pleasure of visiting it later. There weren't many customers.

 I popped in my headphones, turning on my favorite mix of Arctic Monkeys and AJR, sprinkling in a bit of Cavetown for that sad flare. I subconsciously began humming silently, only imagining what I'd be eating today. Of course, there was something else that always awaited me in the comfort of the shop that made these trips the best.

It took about 10-15 minutes before I arrived, pushing open the door and inhaling the scent of lavender and coffee, an oddly sweet aroma. I sighed, pushing myself in and heading to the cashier, noticing that there was a different blonde haired kid in the spot. I felt a pang of disappointment - he wasn't the one I was looking for. "Hi, what can I get for ya?" His voice was loud and boasting, but with a British accent like my own. Besides his seemingly enthusiastic personality, which didn't quite match with my nonchalant one, it was overall comforting to know there was someone from my part of the world here. Either that, or he was a fakey like the many girls I'd heard giggling over their "posh" accents in the dining hall.

"Uh, just one black tea, extra on the honey and creamer. Oh, and a blueberry scone." My usual order, the other employee would have already known. He gave a thumbs up, taking my card, allowing me to pay, before I took a spot at the small table near the window. I pulled out my computer, allowing myself to begrudgingly pull up an assignment from one of my filler classes. It wasn't too big, but it was just enough to cause me the stress of balancing multiple assignments due over the next few days. Like the whiz-kid I was, I got lost in the blur of fingers as I typed away. I was too caught up in it to notice a man come over and place my order down, causing me to jump in surprise.

"Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to startle you, I was just bringing your stuff over." A voice like honey spoke, and I could feel myself freeze, looking up to meet the yellowish-grey eyes of a certain employee. My face flushed, and I hoped that I didn't look like a tomato. "Enjoy your meal." Without a second thought, he turned away, walking back behind the counter and continuing to create drinks. I was still shocked and in my own dazzled world.

Clay Caswell, the beautiful, muscular hunk of a man that had caught my eye on day one. I wouldn't have known who he was if it weren't for Darryl dragging me here near the end of freshmen year. I've been practically swooning over his delicate eyes, the plush look to his hair, the charming smile he always held....

Yeah, it wasn't public that I was gay. Of course, I wouldn't care if someone knew, but I never made an effort to share these details, even with Darryl. If they wanted to know, they'd ask. I wasn't offended if they assumed I was straight, it would just help me blend in more anyways.

So, my secret little crush on the star swimmer of the college was a beautiful little gem I got to keep to myself. That was the beauty of these little trips to the coffee shops, it allowed me to feel that tight pull in my heart as I tuck my head behind a hoodie and a hot cup of tea, catching quick glances at the beautiful man. 

I sighed softly, feeling quite content with my current situation, taking a quick bite from my scone as I turned, continuing my homework. Somehow, a man that I've never actually talked to calms my anxiety more then any therapy has every done. I can confidently say that this location allows me to complete homework easily.

I was startled from my thoughts by my phone buzzing softly against my thigh, pulling it out to see a call from the one and only Darryl. I flicked the phone against my ear, giving a small hum to show I was listening. "Hey, are you planning on doing anything Saturday?" I paused, tapping my chin in a dramatic fashion. 

"Not that I know of, why?"

"Cool, you're gonna be my plus 1 this weekend! Hope you've got your party game on!"

I froze, processing the words before letting out a dramatic "What??" I realized that the occupants of the shop were staring at me, and I blushed, turning so my face was towards the wall. "You better not be talking about what I think you're talking about."

"Of course I am, you've gotta start grooving! The team is celebrating their final farewell to the swimmers before they're off! C'mon, please George? You've denied all of my requests, just this once and I'll stop asking??" His voice was whiny, and I could tell he was being sincere. I rolled my eyes, grumbling slightly before growling out.

"Fine." I had to hold the phone off my ear at the peaking sound of Darryl's voice cheering from the other side.

"I promise you won't regret it!" With another cheer, he hung up the call and I turned back to my computer. I took another glance up to Clay, his crinkled smiley eyes sending a flutter through my heart as my face softened into a pleasant smile. If it was supposed to be a swimmer party, then I assumed he was supposed to be there too. That caused my heart beat to spike. What if I was able to actually talk to him? What if he's angry I'm there because I'm a stranger?

I groaned softly, putting my face in my hands.

Oh well, I guess I'd have to find out.

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