24: Shattered.

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Clay <3

i'm sorry.

you'll never want to talk to me again, so you don't have to.

i messed up, i know.

i wish i could explain, but i guess it's better to leave you alone.

Clay is typing...

I groaned in frustration, spamming out a text before he was able to continue aching my heart any further.


Just shut up.

For one second.


Because you sound ridiculous.

You and I know exactly what went wrong.

You know what, I'd rather talk this out.

Call me.

Read 7:46 am



There was something off about the aura of practice that morning, the typical chatter bunch were silent and completed each set with absolute no complaint.

Dream normally wasn't upset about any set, but he was still shockingly somber instead of cracking jokes and making everyone laugh along with him.

Sapnap was even more silent. He was always yelling and complaining along with Dream, they reflected energy off of each other each and every day. Yet he didn't say a thing, and it made practice all too quiet and all too chilling.

By the end I quickly got out and hung up my things, darting into the locker room before Schlatt was able to pull us into an hour long lecture about turns or something.

I tucked myself into a corner, changing as I eyed the quiet pair. They made their way into a different corner, whispering over something as Dream pulled out his phone, texting someone as pain flashed through his eyes, Sapnap nodding to whatever he was writing. Suddenly, Dream flinched up, holding the screen more clearly to the black-haired man. He shrugged, giving a small gesture like 'continue' and it caused Dream to dress quicker then I'd ever seen. He was out in under 5 minutes, rushing out of the still-full room with someone's contact open.

I quirked an eyebrow, just pulling on a sweatshirt as I felt someone slide up beside me. I looked to my right, seeing Skeppy with a cheeky grin on his face.

"C'mon, you gotta smile more, you looked as upset as Dream and Sapnap." He giggled, squeezing my right cheek which caused me to smile. He could always brighten my mood.

"At least I wasn't the only one who noticed, I was suffocating under the tension." I sighed, placing my glasses on the bridge of my nose and slinging my bag over my shoulder, exiting the room and out into the open.

The chill nipped at my nose and I tugged my hat further over my ears. As soon as the door closed behind us, Skeppy's hand clasped onto mine and he leaned into my shoulder as we walked. The cold didn't bother so bad when my face was heated.

"You're awfully bold, I thought you wanted at least an inch distance when we walked." I smiled, fully enjoying the contact nonetheless. 

"Bad?" He stopped, causing my arm to pull me back due to our locked hands. I turned with a confused look, seeing the way his face fell into a deeper shade of crimson. "I think I'm ready."

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