Chapter 5

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Amelia's POV

Within a blink of an eye, I took the boys to the place where Luke wanted to go. The Orpheum. I actually visited here a lot, seen a lot of concerts over the past 25 years. The four of us sat on top of the sign, Luke and Reggie to my right and Alex to my left. I looked at the three boys before me as they looked at the neon letters that read Orpheum. Luke with a smile, Alex with an upset look, and Reggie with pure confusion as he paid more attention to what happened to his shirt. I laughed under my breath as Reggie looked around, as if he was hardcore wondering where it disappeared to.

"I know being dead isn't our first choice but I mean, it sure is easy getting around," I said with a shrug

"Easy for you! I lost my shirt on that one" Reggie frowned

"Yeah Melia, you're more experienced than us" Alex agreed

"You'll get the hang of it, I've lost my shoes the first three times I've teleported" I ensued them

"You really gotta teach us how to do that so easily," Luke told us

"I'll show you whatever I can" I nodded

"Oh, my shirts back!" Reggie exclaimed happily causing me to smile

I watched Luke as he looked at the neon sign with so many emotions. I placed a hand on his shoulder and gave him a tiny smile.

"So why here Luke?" I asked, "what made you want to come here?"

"It's just another painful reminder of where we never got to play," Alex says bitterly "yeah, thanks Luke."

Alex sarcastically thanked him as he reached over me to shove Luke a little bit. I rolled my eyes brought my legs up to my chest to listen to Luke's explanation. I didn't know these boys at all but something inside me is saying to keep all three of the close. These boys are special, I know it.

"I mean Boys- and Amelia" Luke started

"You can refer to all of us as guys, I don't care just don't refer to me as an outcast" I laughed "that seemed totally awkward"

Luke gave me a smile as I rested my chin on my keens, listening in to his words.

"Right, the game isn't over" He continued before zapping himself to the front doors of the Orpheum. I quickly stood up and blinked myself down there along with Alex and Reggie.

"I'm telling you, we've been given a second chance! Let's find some music, see how many clubs we can hit before sunrise" Luke encourages as we all started to walk down the street

"Ahh to be a new ghost again" I said laughing

I wrapped my arms around Reggie's and Luke's necks as the three of us started to walk faster down the street. I quickly stopped to see that Alex was behind us, watching a man in a top hat and dark cloak-like jacket walk away. I narrowed my eyes slightly, what is he doing here? How did he find out about them so easily?

"Hey Alex, you coming?" Luke yelled out to him

"Let's go!!" Reggie yelled out in pure excitement as Alex jogged over to us.

I removed my arms from the boys and patted their shoulders as if telling them to go on ahead. I met up with Alex and held lightly onto his arm.

"You okay? You look a little spooked" I asked

"Have you ever seen that man before?" Alex asked me

I raised my eyebrow, "what man? The top hat guy?"

"Yeah, it's just- he bumped into me...and I didn't think anyone but us could do that." He said worryingly

I linked arms with him as we trailed behind the boys, "listen, Alex, there's a lot of ghosts just chilling around LA. You'll meet some cool ones and not so cool ones. If the top hat guy was a ghost then I'd say away. There's only one ghost I know who wears that and he is nothing but trouble"

Forever Yours// Reggieحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن