Chapter 1: Prologue

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Hollywood 1995

Los Angeles, the city of Angels. My home. The best place in the world in my opinion. LA was the place where dreams came true. It's where I grew up, it's where I met my best friend.

"Did I ever tell you that you have the coolest job ever!" I exclaimed excitedly to my best friend

"I bust tables Mel," she told me as she started cleaning off tables

"At the Orpheum! I would kill to work here or play here, this place is legendary! And Sunset Curve is playing here next month! That's actually so amazing." I ranted

I placed myself in the middle of the pit and spun around to show her how amazing this place was. My best friend shook her head as she continued to clean off a table. I looked at her with a wide smile and picked up my backpack.

"Come on Rose, live a little," I smirked while sitting down on the clean table

"I'll see you after my shift okay?" She told me "and get off that table" 

I let out a laugh as she completely ignored my statement but nodded.

"You have fun with that, I'm going to have some fun," I told her as I jumped off the table.

"Going to play with the guys again?" She asked

"Yes I am, and before you say it. They might be assholes but you left the band. I'm just there to have fun."

"You don't need them" she stated

"I know but who else will keep me occupied when you're busy." I shrugged "I'll see you at home okay?"

"Yeah okay, make sure to tell my mom I'll be home later tonight"

"Yeah sure"

I wrapped Rose in a tight hug and jogged out of the Orpheum. I pushed the front doors open and walked over to my car, throwing my bag into the back seat. I started the engine and rolled myself into traffic. Once I hit the road I blasted Green Day over the radio and sang along. Music was a huge part of my life, my parents never appreciated it but they knew it was my passion so as long as I stayed in school they were okay with it. Unfortunately, they died 2 years ago, I ended up moving in with Rose and her family after their death. Ever since then Rose and I became more like sisters instead of best friends.

I wasn't really paying attention to my surroundings because the sound of Green Day took over my body, I was tapping away on the wheel as I listened to the beautiful sound of Billie Joel Armstrong over the radio. It wasn't until I saw bright white lights shine at my side, before I could turn away from the vehicle I felt the impact of the other car hitting me. My car flipped over and I felt my head hit the wheel multiple times. I could barely move as I was stuck in my seatbelt. And these things were supposed to help protect you. I felt my head as it started to drip blood, my eyes were getting super fuzzy and it was getting harder to focus. The last thing I remember was my eyes shutting and listening to the muffled noise coming from outside my car. Then it all went black.

When I opened my eyes I was standing in a hospital room, but I wasn't sitting in the bed. What am I doing here? I heard crying from behind me, turning around I saw Rose there holding my hand. Wait hold up. No way- I can't be. I felt tears come to my eyes and I watched my best friend cry over my dead body. I looked horrible, my face was full of scratches and my arms were black and blue. I stood there in shock, just looking at myself. I was dead. I actually died. The iv was taken out of my arm and the monitor was shut off. I was actually dead. Nothing, just air.

"I'm so sorry Mel, I should've stopped you from leaving. If only I knew" Rose sobbed

I walked towards Rose and put my hand on her shoulder, to my disappointment it only went right through her.

"Don't blame yourself Rose" I told her even though she couldn't hear me

"I don't know what I'm doing to do without you. You were everything to me, my best friend. My sister"

"I'm sorry, I should've paid more attention. I'm so stupid for being reckless." I cried "but you know me when it comes to Green Day!"

It hurt a lot to see her in so much pain and that I couldn't do anything to help her. I sat on the opposite side of my hospital bed and faced Rose. I watched as her mother came in and wrapped her into a hug.

"She was a beautiful young lady, she wouldn't want you to be like this Rose"

"She's right" I nodded

"It's okay to be upset, she will never leave your side. You know that. She may be gone but her spirit will always remain in your heart"

Rose's mother kissed her forehead as the doctors came in.

"It's time," one of them said

Rose started to cry more as her mother dragged her away. Her cries were loud and if my heart was beating then it most certainly would have broke.

"I'm never going to leave you, Rose, I promise you I will always be with you!" I shouted

And I did exactly that. 

Forever Yours// Reggieحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن