Chapter 3

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Reggie's POV

"Guardian Angel huh?" Luke laughed

Amelia glared at Luke and nodded her head. Her long dark brown hair slightly bouncing off her shoulders.

"Yeah. I've stuck by her side for almost seventeen years. If that's not a guardian angel than I don't know what" She shrugged

I made my way slightly over to her and gave her my signature smirk.

"Look at her Luke, she's definitely an angel," I said

Amelia looked at me with a slight twinkle in her eye and let out a laugh.

"If I'm an angel that must make you a god" She winked

I was honestly taken back as I didn't expect her to flirt back with me, it's not normal for a girl to actually take interest in my failed attempts at filtering but to actually respond and continue it. That's new. I didn't know how to respond so I just let out a laugh and placed my hand on the back of my neck. Amelia let out a laugh and shoved my shoulder lightly before going over to the piano and placing the sheet music out in a line.

"What are you doing?" Alex asked

"Next time Julie comes here, she'll look at the song. This could help her" she told us

Luke, Alex, and I all looked at each other confused. But Amelia looked so certain that this could help, but I wasn't sure what laying out sheet music was going to do. I watched her as she sadly looked at the last page and placed it neatly on the piano. She brushed her hair out of her face and looked at us.

"Well I don't know what you guys are going to do, but I gotta go check on Julie"

"Ooh! We'll come with you!" I said excitedly

"I don't think-" she started

But the three of us didn't listen as we vanished from her site to the front of the door.

Amelia's POV

I groaned in annoyance and appeared inside the house. I had no idea where those boys went but I wasn't about to let them continue to annoy Julie. I noticed Rose's sister walk into the house as she laid food inside the fridge. I rolled my eyes and appeared in Rose's spot at the table. Julie's eyes widened and she almost choked on her food.

"Oh sorry, I forgot that you're not used to seeing me," I told her with a small smile "man your Tia Victoria still knows how to babble"

I looked over at Victoria and rested my elbow on the table. I didn't agree what she was saying, moving to a new house meant a way to move on. I thought it was stupid personally. Rose's memory lived in this house, I already know Carlos doesn't want to leave. I heard slight laughter as the boys decided to enter the house, so that's where they went. The boys smiled at Julie and I, Julie let out a scream and I looked at her in amusement as she let out a nervous laugh.

"That's me. Ripping off the band aid."

"Nice cover-up" I smirked at her

Luke made his way over and bent over to be eye level with Julie.

"Hey Julie, I like what you've done with the place," he said

"You shouldn't be here" Julie hissed

"Oh I'm just trying to help!"

Julie cleared her voice as Luke backed away, I went over to the boys and stood in front of them.

"I'll escort them out," I said

"Sorry! We should've called" Reggie said

I grabbed onto them and vanished out of the room taking them back into the studio.

Forever Yours// ReggieWhere stories live. Discover now